Maya Zapata in La Sorpresa
La Sorpresa
Maya Zapata
Maya Zapata lying on her back in a sex scene with a guy, her right breast coming into view as Maya has vocal sex. Hi-res DVD capture from La Sorpresa.
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La Sorpresa
Maya Zapata
Maya Zapata naked as she has sex with a guy in bed, her breasts covered by her hands and then the guy as he presses against her. We do see her bare stomach, though Maya's breasts remain covered as they have sweaty sex. Hi-res DVD capture from La Sorpresa.
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Gabriela Barajas in La Sorpresa
La Sorpresa
Gabriela Barajas
Gabriela Barajas sitting naked in a guy's lap facing him, bouncing up and down as they have sex and her breasts come into view a few times. Hi-res DVD capture from La Sorpresa.