María José Bausá in H6: Diary of a Serial Killer
H6: Diary of a Serial Killer
María José Bausá
María José Bausá having sex with a guy at a picnic site, starting off dressed as the guy hikes up her skirt and lies on top of her, and then shown leaning naked over the edge of a fountain as the guy has sex with her from behind, causing her large breasts to bounce as she sucks on his fingers. Hi-res DVD capture from H6: Diary of a Serial Killer (AKA H6: Diario de un asesino).
H6: Diary of a Serial Killer
María José Bausá
María José Bausá naked while having sex with a guy in bed, her ample breasts bouncing as she first rides him hard and then rolls underneath him. She shows both breasts and butt in this sex scene. Hi-res DVD capture from H6: Diary of a Serial Killer.
H6: Diary of a Serial Killer
María José Bausá
María José Bausá asleep in bed, her right breast on display while she lies on her back and a guy gets out of bed next to her. Hi-res DVD capture from H6: Diary of a Serial Killer.
H6: Diary of a Serial Killer
María José Bausá
María José Bausá sitting up in bed in a low-cut nightie, showing plenty of cleavage she talks to the guy next to her and he leans over to kiss her. Hi-res DVD captue from H6: Diary of a Serial Killer.

Xènia Reguant in H6: Diary of a Serial Killer
H6: Diary of a Serial Killer
Xènia Reguant
Xènia Reguant lying on her back, strapped to a table in just a black bra and panties. Her legs are spread just enough to give us a peek at her bush while a guy runs his hands over body. Hi-res DVD capture from H6: Diary of a Serial Killer (AKA H6: Diario de un asesino).

Raquel Arenas in H6: Diary of a Serial Killer
H6: Diary of a Serial Killer
Raquel Arenas
Raquel Arenas showing her butt and bush in close-up as she pulls on a pair of white panties to match her bra, then sitting down on the edge of a bed in her underwear to look at a photo album with a guy. Hi-res DVD capture from H6: Diary of a Serial Killer (AKA H6: Diario de un asesino).

Sonia Moreno in H6: Diary of a Serial Killer
H6: Diary of a Serial Killer
Sonia Moreno
Sonia Moreno showing some nice cleavage in a pink bra and panties as she stands in a guy's bedroom and then leans over to pick up some things from her purse after it falls to the ground. Hi-res DVD capture from H6: Diary of a Serial Killer (AKA H6: Diario de un asesino).