Marta Etura in Siete Minutos
Siete Minutos
Marta Etura
Marta Etura nude in a sex scene with a guy in bed, first on top of him with her breasts in view, and then rolling on her side to face him, one leg slung over him. She then flips over, facing away from him as he has sex with her from behind and reaches around to grab one breast. She then lies next to him and on his chest afterward. Hi-res DVD capture from Siete Minutos (AKA 7 Minutes).
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Siete Minutos
Marta Etura
Marta Etura sitting naked in a guy's lap as they embrace on a bed, her breasts pressed against his chest and his knee obscuring her bare butt just enough that we don't quite see any nudity from Marta. Hi-res DVD capture from Siete Minutos.
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Rachel Lascar in Siete Minutos
Siete Minutos
Rachel Lascar
Rachel Lascar bouncing wildly on a guy's lap as she rides him, grunting and swinging her arms around as they have sex. We see Rachel's bare breasts and partial bare button top of the guy. The guy then pretends to fall asleep as Rachel continues to straddle him in bed. Hi-res DVD capture from Siete Minutos.

Pilar Castro in Siete Minutos
Siete Minutos
Pilar Castro
Pilar Castro in a low-cut black dress that shows plenty of cleavage as she has a drink with a guy at a bar and then stands up beside him, shoving his head into her chest before they leave the bar. Hi-res DVD capture from Siete Minutos.