Haley Shannon in Dark Rising
Dark Rising
Haley Shannon
Haley Shannon (right) leaning in and lesbian kissing Vanessa James (left) and then removing their shirts to reveal bikini tops and then those to reveal their breasts as they continue to make out with each other and give us a close up view of Haley's nipple rings in the process. Hi-res DVD capture from Dark Rising.
Dark Rising
Haley Shannon
Haley Shannon topless and showing off her breasts and nipple rings as she lesbian kisses Vanessa James before Vanessa kisses down her neck and then starts going down on Haley all as somebody watches from some bushes. Hi-res DVD capture from Dark Rising.

Brigitte Kingsley in Dark Rising
Dark Rising
Brigitte Kingsley
Brigitte Kingsley strapped to a chair in a tight black sports bra that shows off the shape of her very large breasts and black panties as several guys move around and murmur with each other. Hi-res DVD capture from Dark Rising.
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Dark Rising
Brigitte Kingsley
Brigitte Kingsley lying on the ground in a black bra and panties with a chain around her neck and then sitting up as the chain starts to get pulled as she struggles against it. Hi-res DVD capture from Dark Rising.
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Dark Rising
Brigitte Kingsley
Brigitte Kingsley wearing a loose fitting black sports bra with slightly hard nipples and black panties as she fights with a guy in a chamber until finally she strangles him with a chain. Hi-res DVD capture from Dark Rising.
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Dark Rising
Brigitte Kingsley
Brigitte Kingsley having the bottom of her left breast pop out of her black leather bra a couple of times while she fights a demon in a forest as a guy watches before she walks over to the fire and bends over showing some nice cleavage as she picks up her axe. Hi-res DVD capture from Dark Rising.
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Dark Rising
Brigitte Kingsley
Brigitte Kingsley of Howie Do It fame rising out of the water at night topless giving us a long look at the side of her large right breast while she stretches and looks around a pond before covering her breasts and then wading away all as a guy watches from the bushes. Hi-res DVD capture from Dark Rising.
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Dark Rising
Brigitte Kingsley
Brigitte Kingsley of Howie Do It fame walking around a room at night as a guy spies on her and then coming out of the closet and being tackled onto a bed and kissed by her before she stands up and then sits back down all while talking to him for a long while until suddenly she starts having violent flashbacks causing her to writhe around on the bed showing off a lot of cleavage. Hi-res DVD capture from Dark Rising.
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Dark Rising
Brigitte Kingsley
Brigitte Kingsley wearing a skimpier black bra and black panties as she sits on a bit and answers a phone before a portal opens up and she leans back showing better cleavage and then finally stands up with a guy and talks with him and kisses him all as the portal remains open. Hi-res DVD capture from Dark Rising.
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Dark Rising
Brigitte Kingsley
Brigitte Kingsley showing off a lot of cleavage in a black leather bra as she lies on the ground writhing in pain with her breasts pressed together or against the ground all as Julia Schneider and a guy tend to her. Hi-res DVD capture from Dark Rising.
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Vanessa James in Dark Rising
Dark Rising
Vanessa James
Vanessa James (center) wearing a blue bikini top, Haley Shannon (right) wearing a slightly purple top, and Julia Schneider (left) wearing a brown one as they sunbathe while some guys watch before Haley unties Vanessa's bikini and Vanessa exposes her breasts for the guys to see and then starts rubbing lotion on them. Hi-res DVD capture from Dark Rising.
Dark Rising
Vanessa James
Vanessa James having sex with a guy while riding him outside next to a camp fire and then getting mad and ripping off her top to reveal her breasts before going back to having sex with him until finally she's seen riding him from above with her eyes glowing. Hi-res DVD capture from Dark Rising.
Dark Rising
Vanessa James
Vanessa James sitting on top of a guy in a nurse style bikini top with red crosses over her breasts before leaning down and talking to him and kissing him until finally Brigitte Kingsley appears on top of him instead in the same bikini top and a metal helmet. Hi-res DVD capture from Dark Rising.

Vanessa Petronelli in Dark Rising
Dark Rising
Vanessa Petronelli
Vanessa Petronelli wearing a black bra and black panties while chained by the neck before something starts pulling on the chain causing her to struggle until she gets pulled off screen all as Brigitte Kingsley watches. Hi-res DVD capture from Dark Rising.

Julia Schneider in Dark Rising
Dark Rising
Julia Schneider
Julia Schneider removing her green top to reveal a brown bikini top and then running her hand over her chest and stretching a bit. Hi-res DVD capture from Dark Rising.

Lara Fenton in Dark Rising
Dark Rising
Lara Fenton
Lara Fenton wearing a silver bikini as she sits on a bed in a studio and then rubbing some oil on her chest and pretending to answer a phone all while some guys film a singles chat line commercial. Hi-res DVD capture from Dark Rising.