Room in Rome sorted by most recent
Room in Rome
Elena Anaya
Elena Anaya leaning over a breakfast table on a balcony to kiss Natasha Yarovenko, both girls wearing white bath robes. After making out with Natasha, Elena places her hand on Natasha's thigh and slides it up her robe a bit. From Room in Rome.
Sexy 0:12 - 4.09 MB - 1280x546 px November 10th, 2010 @ 3:15 pm Elena Anaya & Natasha Yarovenko - Room in Rome - 16.mp4More [+]
Room in Rome
Elena Anaya
Elena Anaya going naked when she drops her white bath robe off in a hotel room bathroom. Natasha Yarovenko then helps Elena into a bath and Elena shows full nudity while imagining she has Cupid's arrow through her chest. From Room in Rome.
0:58 - 20.22 MB - 1280x546 px November 10th, 2010 @ 3:13 pm Elena Anaya & Natasha Yarovenko - Room in Rome - 17.mp4
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Room in Rome
Elena Anaya
Elena Anaya naked in a bath tub, shown from above as Natasha Yarovenko sheds her robe and joins Elena in the tub, also naked. The girls then spin around in the water, both of them showing full nudity before they end up embracing with their legs wrapped around each other. From Room in Rome.
1:06 - 22.77 MB - 1280x546 px November 10th, 2010 @ 3:11 pm Elena Anaya & Natasha Yarovenko - Room in Rome - 18.mp4
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Room in Rome
Elena Anaya
Elena Anaya in a bath robe as she watches Natasha Yarovenko undress, revealing her breasts and butt before putting on a bra and panties. Elena then gets undressed herself, going naked before she puts on a bra and shirt as the girls dress in a hotel room. From Room in Rome.
0:29 - 9.95 MB - 1280x546 px November 10th, 2010 @ 3:09 pm Elena Anaya & Natasha Yarovenko - Room in Rome - 19.mp4
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Room in Rome
Elena Anaya
Elena Anaya and Natasha Yarovenko making out while standing on a balcony in white bath robes, lesbian kissing in the morning light as they embrace each other. From Room in Rome.
Sexy 0:25 - 8.76 MB - 1280x546 px November 8th, 2010 @ 12:01 pm Elena Anaya & Natasha Yarovenko - Room in Rome - 15.mp4More [+]
Room in Rome
Natasha Yarovenko
Natasha Yarovenko shown topless in a bathroom mirror reflection as she looks at herself naked. We then see her nude from above as she steps into a bath tub and stands under the running shower head. From Room in Rome.
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Room in Rome
Elena Anaya
Elena Anaya sitting naked in a chair beside a bed in a hotel room as Natasha Yarovenko sits naked with her legs crossed on a chair on the balcony at night. Natasha then gets up and enters the room, sitting down beside Elena and showing her left breast as the girls look at some photos on a digital camera. From Room in Rome.
0:57 - 19.68 MB - 1280x546 px November 6th, 2010 @ 12:15 pm Elena Anaya & Natasha Yarovenko - Room in Rome - 11.mp4
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Room in Rome
Elena Anaya
Elena Anaya and Natasha Yarovenko fully nude as they lie in bed together, pressed against each other in various different positions as we see their naked forms from above. Eventually Natasha gets out of bed and sits down to use a laptop while still naked as Elena watches from the bed. From Room in Rome.
2:14 - 46.35 MB - 1280x546 px November 6th, 2010 @ 12:13 pm Elena Anaya & Natasha Yarovenko - Room in Rome - 12.mp4
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Room in Rome
Elena Anaya
Elena Anaya sitting in a chair in a hotel room as she talks with Natasha Yarovenko, both girls naked but only Elena showing her breasts as her right nipple is in view. At the end of the scene Natasha begins to walk away and we see her bare butt while stepping through a doorway. From Room in Rome.
1:35 - 33.00 MB - 1280x546 px November 6th, 2010 @ 12:11 pm Elena Anaya & Natasha Yarovenko - Room in Rome - 13.mp4
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Room in Rome
Elena Anaya
Elena Anaya stepping naked into a bath tub with Natasha Yarovenko, both girls showing breasts and buns while singing together under the running shower head. The girls then embrace and kiss, Elena leaning over to kiss Natasha's breasts and reach her hand down between her legs. Natasha then reciprocates and the girls stand fingering each other while pressed against one another. Elena then sits down and we see more nudity from the two girls as Natasha helps dress her in a bath robe and slippers and Elena then helps Natasha put on her robe. From Room in Rome.
2:59 - 61.93 MB - 1280x546 px November 6th, 2010 @ 12:08 pm Elena Anaya & Natasha Yarovenko - Room in Rome - 14.mp4
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Room in Rome
Elena Anaya
Elena Anaya watching as Natasha Yarovenko lays down in bed fully nude. Elena then removes her jacket, sitting down beside Natasha while also naked. Natasha rolls onto her back and Elena runs her fingers down her back and touches her bare butt. The girls then chat for a bit before Natasha walks over to a window and stares out of it, Elena following behind her. From Room in Rome.
2:43 - 56.61 MB - 1280x546 px November 4th, 2010 @ 4:18 pm Elena Anaya & Natasha Yarovenko - Room in Rome - 07.mp4
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Room in Rome
Elena Anaya
Elena Anaya walking naked over to a hotel room bed where Natasha Yarovenko is sitting, also nude. Elena then turns on some music and begins to dance and sing, inviting Natasha to jump up and down on the bed. We then see Natasha doing some karaoke while still naked. From Room in Rome.
1:10 - 24.14 MB - 1280x546 px November 4th, 2010 @ 4:16 pm Elena Anaya & Natasha Yarovenko - Room in Rome - 08.mp4
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Room in Rome
Elena Anaya
Elena Anaya climbing into Natasha Yarovenko's arms and then sitting up on her shoulders facing her, both girls naked. Natasha then throws Elena down on the bed, and we get a nice full-frontal view of Elena on her back before Natasha goes down on her. Natasha then turns around, swinging her leg over Elena and settling into a 69 position so that the girls can go down on each other in this hot lesbian sex scene. From Room in Rome.
2:16 - 47.02 MB - 1280x546 px November 4th, 2010 @ 4:13 pm Elena Anaya & Natasha Yarovenko - Room in Rome - 09.mp4
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Room in Rome
Elena Anaya
Elena Anaya and Natasha Yarovenko lying naked on a bed together, Natasha propping herself up on her side with her right breast in view as she talks with Elena, who is reclining on her back on a pillow. Natasha then gets out of bed and stands naked in a doorway, showing full-frontal nudity. Elena then walks over to sit near her, watching as Natasha sits out on a chair on the balcony of the hotel room. Elena then approaches, giving us a clear look at her breasts. From Room in Rome.
3:25 - 71.14 MB - 1280x546 px November 4th, 2010 @ 3:55 pm Elena Anaya & Natasha Yarovenko - Room in Rome - 10.mp4
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Room in Rome
Elena Anaya
Elena Anaya and Natasha Yarovenko getting into bed together while fully nude, the girls showing breasts and bush before they begin kissing each other. Elena then moves down between Natasha's legs and kisses up and down them. From Room in Rome.
2:33 - 52.91 MB - 1280x546 px November 2nd, 2010 @ 4:05 pm Elena Anaya & Natasha Yarovenko - Room in Rome - 05.mp4
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Room in Rome
Elena Anaya
Elena Anaya standing beside a hotel bed naked with just some purple fabric hung around her neck as she climbs into bed with Natasha Yarovenko, who is also naked. Elena then grabs a bottle and rolls it up and down Natasha's legs and stomach before using it to have sex with Natasha. From Room in Rome.
2:00 - 41.48 MB - 1280x546 px November 2nd, 2010 @ 3:58 pm Elena Anaya & Natasha Yarovenko - Room in Rome - 06.mp4
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Room in Rome
Natasha Yarovenko
Natasha Yarovenko lying naked on a bed as Elena Anaya sits across the room and watches her and talks with her. Natasha then stands up, showing full-frontal nudity as she walks toward Elena and then sits down beside her. They talk for a while and then look at some art on the wall. Elena shows her right breast briefly right at the end of the scene as she stands in a window with her robe hanging open. From Room in Rome (AKA Habitación en Roma).
1:35 - 33.00 MB - 1280x546 px November 2nd, 2010 @ 3:55 pm Natasha Yarovenko & Elena Anaya - Room in Rome - 01.mp4
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Room in Rome
Natasha Yarovenko
Natasha Yarovenko standing naked beside Elena Anaya who is sitting at a desk using a laptop computer. Natasha grabs Elena's wrist and makes Elena spank her bare butt. Elena then runs her fingers up Natasha's leg before Natasha turns and sits on the desk and we see some bare butt form Elena sitting in the chair. From Room in Rome.
1:21 - 28.17 MB - 1280x546 px November 2nd, 2010 @ 3:52 pm Natasha Yarovenko & Elena Anaya - Room in Rome - 02.mp4
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Room in Rome
Elena Anaya
Elena Anaya undressing Natsaha Yarovenko, revealing Natasha's breasts and then her bright blond bush. Natasha then watches Elena undress and the tow fully naked girls stand at the foot of a bed before Elena leads Natasha under the covers. The girls then lie on their sides facing each other, running their fingers over each other's faces and hair while we see bare breasts from both. Elena eventually falls asleep and Natasha quietly sneaks out of bed and gets dressed. From Room in Rome (AKA Habitación en Roma).
3:17 - 68.32 MB - 1280x546 px October 31st, 2010 @ 5:34 pm Elena Anaya & Natasha Yarovenko - Room in Rome - 01.mp4
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Room in Rome sorted by most recent continued
Room in Rome
Elena Anaya
Elena Anaya waking up naked in bed, leaning over the edge and then emerging nude from the bed to answer her hotel room door. Natasha Yarovenko is at the door in a blue dress and Elena stands talking to her with her breasts in plain view. Elena then pulls Natasha inside the room and we see full-frontal nudity from Elena while Natasha locates the cell phone she left in the room. From Room in Rome.
1:47 - 37.01 MB - 1280x546 px October 31st, 2010 @ 5:31 pm Elena Anaya & Natasha Yarovenko - Room in Rome - 02.mp4
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Room in Rome
Elena Anaya
Elena Anaya standing naked as Natasha Yarovenko makes out with her and then undresses down to her bra and panties and climbs into bed. Elena joins her, helping to undress her and then licking her breasts and sliding her panties off. Elena then lays on top of Natasha, reaching her hand back between Natasha's legs to finger her. Elena then guides Natasha's hand between her own legs and the girls finger each other while fully nude in this hot lesbian sex scene in a hotel room. From Room in Rome.
2:11 - 45.34 MB - 1280x546 px October 31st, 2010 @ 5:28 pm Elena Anaya & Natasha Yarovenko - Room in Rome - 03.mp4
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Room in Rome
Elena Anaya
Elena Anaya and Natasha Yarovenko lying naked next to each other in bed and talking, both girls showing their breasts while lying on their backs and sides. Elena then sits up and finally gets out of bed, showing her bare butt as we see her nude and putting on a robe while Natasha watches from the bed. From Room in Rome.
1:48 - 37.33 MB - 1280x546 px October 31st, 2010 @ 5:26 pm Elena Anaya & Natasha Yarovenko - Room in Rome - 04.mp4
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