Charlotte Ross in Drive Angry
Drive Angry
Charlotte Ross
Charlotte Ross of NYPD Blue fame completely naked, showing full-frontal nudity on her back in bed as she has sex with a guy, thrusting her hips up against him as he sits between her legs. She then pulls herself up, riding him in his lap. From Drive Angry.
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Drive Angry
Charlotte Ross
Charlotte Ross naked as she has sex with a guy on a bed before they are interrupted by some guys trying to kill them. Her guy shoots back and takes out the attackers, all while holding on to Charlotte. They end up on the floor with Charlotte underneath him as Amber Heard shows up at the end to save the day. From Drive Angry.
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Christa Campbell in Drive Angry
Drive Angry
Christa Campbell
Christa Campbell naked as she rides a guy on a bed, showing her bare butt. Amber Heard then interrupts them, dragging Christa outside. We see Christa's bare butt and then more of her bare breasts as Amber confronts her and then knocks her to the ground with a punch. From Drive Angry.
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