Manuale d'am3re sorted by most recent
Manuale d'am3re
Monica Bellucci
Monica Bellucci in a skimpy black dress that shows plenty of cleavage as she teaches a guy how to do a striptease while holding a flashlight on him. The guy then walks over to Monica and they kiss before watching some fireworks outside. We then see Monica and her bare left breast while underneath the guy on a bed as they have sex. From Manuale d'am3re (AKA Manuale d'amore 3).
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Manuale d'am3re
Laura Chiatti
Laura Chiatti lying on her back on the hood of a car as she has sex with a guy at night, the guy pulling her dress down to reveal her right breast. We also see her butt briefly when he places her on the car, standing between her legs. From Manuale d'am3re (AKA Manuale d'amore 3).
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Manuale d'am3re
Donatella Finocchiaro
Donatella Finocchiaro showing plenty of cleavage in a short black nightie as she rolls around with a guy in bed and makes out with him. At one point her left nipple pops into view as her nightie gets pulled down. From Manuale d'am3re (AKA Manuale d'amore 3).
1:44 - 36.12 MB - 1280x688 px August 16th, 2011 @ 10:16 am Donatella Finocchiaro - Manuale d'am3re.mp4
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Manuale d'am3re
Monica Bellucci
Monica Bellucci in a skimpy black dress that shows plenty of cleavage as she teaches a guy how to do a striptease while holding a flashlight on him. The guy then walks over to Monica and they kiss before watching some fireworks outside. We then see Monica and her bare left breast while underneath the guy on a bed as they have sex. Hi-res DVD capture from Manuale d'am3re (AKA Manuale d'amore 3).
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Manuale d'am3re
Laura Chiatti
Laura Chiatti lying on her back on the hood of a car as she has sex with a guy at night, the guy pulling her dress down to reveal her right breast. We also see her butt briefly when he places her on the car, standing between her legs. Hi-res DVD capture from Manuale d'am3re (AKA Manuale d'amore 3).
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Manuale d'am3re
Donatella Finocchiaro
Donatella Finocchiaro showing plenty of cleavage in a short black nightie as she rolls around with a guy in bed and makes out with him. At one point her left nipple pops into view as her nightie gets pulled down. Hi-res DVD capture from Manuale d'am3re (AKA Manuale d'amore 3).
Sexy 1:40 - 23.48 MB - 720x384 px June 20th, 2011 @ 2:21 pm bM10315-DonatellaFinocchiaro@ManualeD'Am3re.mpgMore [+]