Chiara Mastroianni in Bastards
Chiara Mastroianni
Chiara Mastroianni making out with a guy before he lays her back and hikes up her skirt, baring her bush when he slides her panties off. She keeps her bra on as the guy then picks her up and has sex with her in his lap. Afterward, we see Chiara getting dressed again and flashing her right breast before putting on her bra. From Bastards (AKA Les salauds).
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Chiara Mastroianni
Chiara Mastroianni lying on her back with both breasts in view, a guy leaning over her and running his hand down her chest and over her hard left nipple as she talks to him. He then leans in closer, pressing her breast against his chest before touching her left breast with his hand. From Bastards.
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Chiara Mastroianni
Chiara Mastroianni showing bush when lying on her back naked as a guy leans over her, and then showing her bare breasts when she sits up and walks down the stairs away from the guy. From Bastards.
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Lola Créton in Bastards
Lola Créton
Lola Créton walking naked down a dark street at night, wearing just a pair of high heels as we see her bare butt when she walks past the camera, stops at an intersection and looks one way before walking the other. We see a bit of her left breast as she turns to the side. From Bastards (AKA Les salauds).
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Lola Créton
Lola Créton showing full nudity when she walks down a street at night naked, some blood on her inner thighs as we see her breasts, butt, and bush before she finally ends up stopping in front of a police car. From Bastards (AKA Les salauds).
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Lola Créton
Lola Créton fully nude on her back lying next to another naked girl who has a guy lying on his back on top of her. We see breasts and bush from Lola. From Bastards.
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