Azure Parsons in Salem
Azure Parsons
Azure Parsons showing bare butt while naked on a bed as a guy has sex with her from behind and she holds on to the bed rail. We then see her straddling the guy, her long red hair covering her breasts. From Salem.
Azure Parsons
Azure Parsons underneath a guy as they finish having sex in bed, then flashing her right butt cheek as she swings her leg over the guy while lying on her side. We then get a full view of her butt when she sits up and gets out of bed, also showing a bit of her left breast from behind as she puts on a purple robe after the guy reaches out to smack her left cheek with his hand. From Salem.
Azure Parsons
Azure Parsons lying on her stomach on a bed of hay as a guy lifts up her pink dress to expose her butt, the view partially obscured by his arm. We then see her on her back as the same guy opens up her top, showing a good portion of her breasts but not quite any nipple. From Salem.

Janet Montgomery in Salem
Janet Montgomery
Janet Montgomery disrobing on a balcony and turning to walk naked into a room, showing her bare butt in the process. She then has a guy cough up a frog and she sits down naked, again showing her butt, before she places the frog's mouth on a wart on her leg. She then returns to the guy and places the frog back in his mouth as we see some of her left breast from the side, her hair hanging over it. From Salem.
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Tamzin Merchant in Salem
Tamzin Merchant
Tamzin Merchant seen in a dream sequence straddling a guy in a forest as she leans down to kiss him showing the tops of her breasts before giving us a dark look through some trees as she has sex while riding him and then at the side of her ass and side of her breast until finally he rises up to kiss her. From Salem.
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Tamzin Merchant
Tamzin Merchant of The Tudors fame getting into a bathtub and then lowering herself into the water showing the top of her breasts before sitting up again as Janet Montgomery walks in and surprises her causing Tamzin to stand up naked and cover her breasts with her arms until Janet gives her a see-through robe giving us a look the side of Tamzin's left breast as she puts it on. From Salem.
Sexy 0:23 - 8.03 MB - 1280x720 px May 10th, 2015 @ 1:22 pm Tamzin Merchant & Janet Montgomery - Salem - S02E01.mp4More [+]

Katie Gunderson in Salem
Katie Gunderson
Katie Gunderson heard moaning loudly at first outside of a building and then through the window as she has intense sex with a guy from behind while bent over a desk and then seen from several other angles continuing to have sex all while the guy prays and has flashes of other scenes until finally he has enough and pushes her away. From Salem.
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Lucy Lawless in Salem
Lucy Lawless
Lucy Lawless of Xena: Warrior Princess fame removing her robe and giving us some looks at her bare back and the sides of her breasts as she wanders around a room talking with Elise Eberle who is covered in severe burns all while Sammi Hanratty is strapped to the ceiling showing some cleavage in a low cut dress as she pleads with them before Lucy attaches a tap to Sammi's neck and then drains blood out of her and uses the blood to wash away Elise's charred flesh to reveal clean skin below. From Salem.
Sexy 3:20 - 69.71 MB - 1280x720 px July 27th, 2015 @ 7:43 pm Lucy Lawless, Sammi Hanratty & Elise Eberle - Salem - S02E06.mp4More [+]

Elise Eberle in Salem
Elise Eberle
Elise Eberle naked and kneeling on the ground in a forest, showing her bare butt as she looks backward over her shoulder. From Salem.
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Elise Eberle
Elise Eberle lying on a bed wrapped in fur with some blood on it, and then showing one bare butt cheek when she stands up facing away from the camera. From Salem.
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Elise Eberle
Elisa Eberle emerging from under the covers while in bed with a guy, and then sitting with her arms covering her breasts as she talks to him. She then gets out of bed and we see her bare butt when she falls to the floor under the guy's power and again when he pushes her out the door. From Salem.
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Cara Santana in Salem
Cara Santana
Cara Santana naked with symbols painted on her body as she walks up to a guy who is being held down by some other people. From Salem.
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