Franziska Petri in Izmena
Franziska Petri
Franziska Petri undressing on the edge of a bed, taking her stockings off as we see her in her underwear and bra. She then reaches behind herself to unhook and take her bra off, showing her breasts briefly as she climbs into bed. From Izmena (AKA Betrayal).
Franziska Petri
Franziksa Petri pulling her jacket off to reveal a see-through black shirt, her breasts visible through the thin fabric. From Izmena.
Franziska Petri
Franziska Petri undressing in the snowy woods, pulling her shirt off first to go topless, and then showing butt and bush as she stands completely naked after taking her pants off. She then changes into a different pair of pants and shirt. From Izmena.
Franziska Petri
Franziska Petri showing bare breasts in a sex scene with a guy in which we see her in his lap first and then rolling over onto her back. From Izmena (AKA Betrayal).
Franziska Petri
Franziska Petri propping herself up on an elbow in bed with a guy, seen topless as he touches her hair and she leans over to kiss him. From Izmena.

Albina Dzhanabaeva in Izmena
Albina Dzhanabaeva
Albina Dzhanabaeva seen fully nude in a sweaty sex scene with a guy in which we see her breasts, butt and breasts while rolling around with him in bed, and then moving over to a window sill, where they have sex against the window and Albina's breasts press against the glass. The window then opens up and Albina and the guy fall naked over the edge. From Izmena (AKA Betrayal).