Sarah Chalke in Scrubs
Heather Graham in Scrubs
Christa Miller in Scrubs
Amy Smart in Scrubs
  • Scrubs

    Amy Smart

    Amy Smart of Varsity Blues fame removing a blue robe to reveal some lingerie with a black bra and panties and then crawling over a guy on a bed and giving us a look at her cleavage. Hi-res DVD capture from Scrubs.

    Sexy 0:12 - 2.83 MB - 624x480 px June 16th, 2006 @ 10:01 pm AmySmart@Scrubs-CMA.mpg

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Judy Reyes in Scrubs
Tara Reid in Scrubs
Julianna Margulies in Scrubs
Monica Allgeier in Scrubs
Heather Locklear in Scrubs
Elizabeth Bogush in Scrubs
Julie Hudson in Scrubs
  • Scrubs

    Julie Hudson

    Julie Hudson of The Bold and the Beautiful fame (on the right in pink) having a pillow fight with three unknown girls and then leaning forward and almost lesbian kissing another girl before sitting on the edge of a bed and talking about it. Hi-res DVD capture from Scrubs.

    Sexy 0:13 - 3.68 MB - 624x480 px June 18th, 2006 @ 2:27 pm JulieHudson&Unknown@Scrubs-CMA.mpg
Embeth Davidtz in Scrubs
  • Scrubs

    Embeth Davidtz

    Embeth Davidtz of Californication and In Treatment fame standing in a gray bra along with Julie Warner of Doc Hollywood fame who is in a black bra as they talk with a guy and then come on to him and start to undo their bras before climbing on top of him and then finally getting bored of him and leaving. Hi-res DVD capture from Scrubs.

    Sexy 0:55 - 14.49 MB - 640x480 px July 19th, 2010 @ 10:40 pm EmbethDavidtz&JulieWarner@Scrubs-CMA.mpg

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Eliza Coupe in Scrubs
Carrie Stroup in Scrubs
Unknown in Scrubs