Christina Lindberg in Exposed
Christina Lindberg
Christina Lindberg and Birgitta Molin lying nude on a dock on a lake with a guy, Christina showing breasts and bush and Birgitta showing her bare butt on her stomach. Birgitta then gets up and walks completely naked back toward a house, showing full-frontal nudity as she strides past a guy in a car. Hi-res DVD capture from Exposed (AKA Exponerad and Diary of a Rape).
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Christina Lindberg
Christina Lindberg having a guy pull her shirt off in the front seat of a car, showing her great breasts as he gropes her and she tries to fight him off. Hi-res DVD capture from Exposed (AKA Exponerad).
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Christina Lindberg
Christina Lindberg pulling her jeans off to reveal her panties and then sitting down on a bed. She then begins to pull her shirt over her head, flashing her left breast before she stops, standing up with her breast exposed. She then lowers her top and walks toward the camera. Hi-res DVD capture from Exposed.
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Christina Lindberg
Christina Lindberg completely naked on a bed, posing for some sexy nude photographs as she rolls around and strikes different poses. We see full nudity from Christina in the process. Hi-res DVD capture from Exposed.
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Christina Lindberg
Christina Lindberg sitting in a white see-through shirt at a party where a number of other topless girls are shown, Christina's nipples visible through the thin fabric. A guy then approaches her and unbuttons the shirt, flinging it open to expose her breasts. She then heads into a bedroom with guy, and we see her topless as she rides him and he reaches up to squeeze her large breasts. Hi-res DVD capture from Exposed.
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Christina Lindberg
Christina Lindberg sitting on a chair at a party, her thin white shirt unbuttoned to expose her breasts. A number of other topless girls are visible in the room as Christina sits beside one of them and we get a close-up view of both their breasts. Christina then walks into another room with a guy, leaning against a mirror with her shirt hanging open and her breasts in view. Hi-res DVD capture from Exposed.
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Christina Lindberg
Christina Lindberg underneath a kitchen table with a guy as he runs his hands over her body and undresses her. Showing her breasts and her bush through her white panties, Christina then kisses the guy and heads into a bedroom, where she rolls across the bed and stands as the guy lowers her panties so that she shows full nudity. Hi-res DVD capture from Exposed.
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Christina Lindberg
Christina Lindberg heading naked into a bedroom, spinning around to show her breasts, buns and bush before she hops onto the bed and lies on her back while looking over a newspaper. Hi-res DVD capture from Exposed.
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Christina Lindberg
Christina Lindberg's right breast shown in close-up briefly before we see her running through a forest with her shirt open, her bare breasts bouncing and her jeans showing a bit of her butt crack. Hi-res DVD capture from Exposed.
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Christina Lindberg
Christina Lindberg tied up by rope to the corners of a bed, a guy leaning over her and cutting her dress open with a knife to reveal her breasts and bush. The guy then runs his hand and mouth over her fully nude body, working his way up to kiss her breasts before beginning to have sex with her until Christina reaches for the knife and puts a stop to him. Hi-res DVD capture from Exposed.
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Birgitta Molin in Exposed
Birgitta Molin
Birgitta Molin fully nude as she stands on the deck of a house, showing breasts and bush. She then steps down, running naked into a lake while showing her bare butt as well. She is then see naked one more time as she splashes out of the water after swimming. Hi-res DVD capture from Exposed (AKA Exponerad and Diary of a Rape).
Birgitta Molin
Birgitta Molin entering a room fully nude after some skinny dipping, showing her bare butt, breasts and bush as she sits down in a chair and chats with Christina Lindberg and a guy while drying off beside a fireplace. Hi-res DVD capture from Exposed.
Birgitta Molin
Birgitta Molin straddling a guy on a rug on the floor, pulling her dress over her head to show her breasts and bush. They then roll around while having sex, Birgitta also showing her bare butt. We then get one more nude view of Birgitta lying on her back beside a fireplace afterward. Hi-res DVD capture from Exposed.