Hilary and Jackie sorted by most popular
Hilary and Jackie
Emily Watson
Emily Watson lying on her back under a guy as they have sex in bed in a dark scene, her right breast visible as the guy lifts himself up. This nudity is only visible in the 4:3 DVD treatment, and is cut off in widescreen versions. From Hilary and Jackie.
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Hilary and Jackie
Emily Watson
Emily Watson sitting on the bank of a creek while naked, her knees pulled up but her breasts coming into view at the start and near the end as she cries and is then comforted by someone who covers her up with a coat. From Hilary and Jackie.
0:44 - 20.31 MB - 1280x704 px December 4th, 2016 @ 10:31 pm Emily Watson - Hilary and Jackie - 2.mp4
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