Laura Gemser in Emanuelle in Bangkok
Emanuelle in Bangkok
Laura Gemser
Laura Gemser standing fully nude in a cruise ship stateroom as a guy kisses along her body and goes down on her and then has her go down on him while he lies on his back before they have sex on their sides with him behind her grabbing her breasts a bit and showing her bush all while it cuts to various ship machinery pumping away. From Emanuelle in Bangkok.
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Emanuelle in Bangkok
Laura Gemser
Laura Gemser removing her beige shirt to reveal her breasts and then her beige skirt to reveal her white panties before she starts to take off her panties and notices the hotel bell boy is watching causing him to rush off and finally her to pull her panties down revealing her bush. From Emanuelle in Bangkok.
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Emanuelle in Bangkok
Laura Gemser
Laura Gemser rolling across a bed in a white robe as her breast pops out and then having a guy massage her back before she flips over and lies fully nude while he massages her legs until they hear someone at the door and she puts her robe back on to go answer it. From Emanuelle in Bangkok.
0:50 - 31.74 MB - 1280x720 px March 25th, 2017 @ 5:21 pm Laura Gemser - Emanuelle in Bangkok - 3.mp4
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Emanuelle in Bangkok
Laura Gemser
Laura Gemser lying naked on on her stomach with her breasts pressed against the ground as a guy massages her back and ass before they're seen having switched places as she kneels nude giving him a massage while showing off her breasts. From Emanuelle in Bangkok.
0:52 - 41.77 MB - 1280x720 px March 23rd, 2017 @ 5:24 pm Laura Gemser - Emanuelle in Bangkok - 4.mp4
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Emanuelle in Bangkok
Laura Gemser
Laura Gemser starting to remove her pink halter top and then pausing in the middle with her breasts exposed as she hears some people having sex before she finishes removing it and then walks topless across the room to listen in. From Emanuelle in Bangkok.
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Emanuelle in Bangkok
Laura Gemser
Laura Gemser surrounded by a group of guys who start tearing at her clothes until she's fully nude before they push her onto the ground and take turns having sex with her all as she thinks back to her sexual training and begins to enjoy the experience. From Emanuelle in Bangkok.
1:42 - 116.37 MB - 1280x720 px April 4th, 2017 @ 4:34 pm Laura Gemser - Emanuelle in Bangkok - 6.mp4
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Emanuelle in Bangkok
Laura Gemser
Laura Gemser in a customs office as she removes her green tanktop to reveal her breasts to a customs agent while trying to bribe him before having him put his face in between them. From Emanuelle in Bangkok.
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Emanuelle in Bangkok
Laura Gemser
Laura Gemser removing her shirt and pants to reveal her breasts and polkadot panties as Debra Berger stands there admiring her before leading Laura into another room where she gets into a shower and removes her panties and then washes her fully nude body until finally Debra brings her a towel. From Emanuelle in Bangkok.
0:58 - 34.04 MB - 1280x720 px March 25th, 2017 @ 5:24 pm Laura Gemser & Debra Berger - Emanuelle in Bangkok - 1.mp4
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Emanuelle in Bangkok
Laura Gemser
Laura Gemser lying on her back having sex with a guy and having him kiss her breasts and go down on her all as Debra Berger spies on them from a doorway and plays with her own breasts and rubs herself under her blue robe. From Emanuelle in Bangkok.
1:37 - 46.32 MB - 1280x720 px March 26th, 2017 @ 6:30 pm Laura Gemser & Debra Berger - Emanuelle in Bangkok - 3.mp4
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Emanuelle in Bangkok
Laura Gemser
Laura Gemser sitting up fully nude in bed with a guy as he grabs Debra Berger and then talks with her and Laura for a while as they argue until finally he gets mad and leaves all while Laura continues to show her breasts. From Emanuelle in Bangkok.
0:43 - 20.00 MB - 1280x720 px March 23rd, 2017 @ 5:22 pm Laura Gemser & Debra Berger - Emanuelle in Bangkok - 4.mp4
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Emanuelle in Bangkok
Laura Gemser
Laura Gemser removing her clothes to reveal her fully nude body and then getting into a bubble bath where Koike Mahoco rinses her off before having Laura lie down on a massage table seen naked from above. Koike then removes her own clothes to reveal her fully nude body and rinses herself off in the bathtub as Laura watches. Finally Koike climbs on top of Laura on the massage table and spends some time rubbing her wet body against Laura's and running her breasts around all as they continue to talk during a fully nude body to body massage. From Emanuelle in Bangkok.
3:19 - 84.88 MB - 1280x720 px March 29th, 2017 @ 11:58 am Laura Gemser & Koike Mahoco - Emanuelle in Bangkok - 1.mp4
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Debra Berger in Emanuelle in Bangkok
Emanuelle in Bangkok
Debra Berger
Debra Berger (left) and Laura Gemser (right) both fully nude in a bathtub as they take turns standing showing off their bodies as they wash each other in a bubble bath and touch one another and then finally lesbian kiss. From Emanuelle in Bangkok.
1:07 - 63.68 MB - 1280x720 px April 4th, 2017 @ 4:36 pm Laura Gemser & Debra Berger - Emanuelle in Bangkok - 2.mp4
Emanuelle in Bangkok
Debra Berger
Debra Berger having Laura Gemser open her blue robe and lie her back on a bed revealing her breasts and then lesbian kissing her before she kisses along her chest and stomach and starts to go down on her while Debra lies there. From Emanuelle in Bangkok.
0:28 - 21.07 MB - 1280x720 px March 31st, 2017 @ 9:16 pm Laura Gemser & Debra Berger - Emanuelle in Bangkok - 5.mp4

Gaby Bourgois in Emanuelle in Bangkok
Emanuelle in Bangkok
Gaby Bourgois
Gaby Bourgois lying on her back having sex with a guy on top of her inside of a tent as Laura Gemser lies next to them watching before the guy slides Laura's blanket down to expose her breasts and starts playing with her breasts and rubbing her in between the legs all as he continues to have sex with Gaby until finally he pulls Laura over to them and kisses her. From Emanuelle in Bangkok.
1:28 - 93.62 MB - 1280x720 px March 29th, 2017 @ 11:55 am Gaby Bourgois & Laura Gemser - Emanuelle in Bangkok.mp4
Emanuelle in Bangkok
Gaby Bourgois
Gaby Bourgois removing her shirt to reveal her breasts and then her pants and white panties to reveal her fully nude body as she dances with an unknown topless woman before Laura Gemser removes her own clothes and begins dancing with both of them while also fully nude all as a group of guys watch and crowd around them. From Emanuelle in Bangkok.
1:27 - 68.28 MB - 1280x720 px March 31st, 2017 @ 9:15 pm Gaby Bourgois, Laura Gemser & Unknown - Emanuelle in Bangkok.mp4

Ely Galleani in Emanuelle in Bangkok
Emanuelle in Bangkok
Ely Galleani
Ely Galleani in an airplane lavatory as Laura Gemser removes Ely's shirt to reveal her breasts and then runs her hands over Ely's breasts and nipples before dropping her skirt as well to reveal her fully nude body and large bush until finally she leans in and begins lesbian kissing Ely. From Emanuelle in Bangkok.
0:51 - 31.44 MB - 1280x720 px March 26th, 2017 @ 6:29 pm Ely Galleani & Laura Gemser - Emanuelle in Bangkok.mp4
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Emanuelle in Bangkok
Ely Galleani
Ely Galleani (right) and Koike Mahoco (left) both naked having guys kiss their breasts and bodies as Laura Gemser sits nude watching before the guys switch to Laura and start playing with her as Koike switches to Ely and begins to kiss her breasts, body and lesbian kiss her until finally another guy leads Laura away. From Emanuelle in Bangkok.
2:25 - 137.44 MB - 1280x720 px April 2nd, 2017 @ 2:53 pm Ely Galleani, Koike Mahoco & Laura Gemser - Emanuelle in Bangkok.mp4
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Koike Mahoco in Emanuelle in Bangkok
Emanuelle in Bangkok
Koike Mahoco
Koike Mahoco lying on her back fully nude having sex with a guy and then having him kiss down her stomach and thighs revealing her large bush before she gets on top of him all while Laura Gemser spies on them through a doorway. From Emanuelle in Bangkok.
0:18 - 8.63 MB - 1280x720 px March 26th, 2017 @ 6:26 pm Laura Gemser & Koike Mahoco - Emanuelle in Bangkok - 2.mp4

Unknown in Emanuelle in Bangkok
Emanuelle in Bangkok
An unknown topless woman on stage performing a routine where she uses a candle to run flames around her body and then removes her panties to reveal her fully nude body and pours candle wax all over herself while Laura Gemser and Ely Galleani watch. From Emanuelle in Bangkok.
1:25 - 71.81 MB - 1280x720 px March 25th, 2017 @ 5:19 pm Unknown, Laura Gemser & Ely Galleani - Emanuelle in Bangkok - 1.mp4
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Emanuelle in Bangkok
An unknown woman fully nude on a stage as she takes various ping pong balls and pushes them up against her vagina and holds them there as well as sticking them inside of her vagina and popping them back out as they bounce around on the ground all while Laura Gemser, Ely Galleani, and some guys watch and get excited. From Emanuelle in Bangkok.
1:34 - 97.56 MB - 1280x720 px March 29th, 2017 @ 11:54 am Unknown, Laura Gemser & Ely Galleani - Emanuelle in Bangkok - 2.mp4
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