Sofia Karemyr in Call Girl
  • Call Girl

    Sofia Karemyr

    Sofia Karemyr lying on her back having sex with a guy who is on top of her as Josefin Asplund walk topless into the room and watches them for a bit before the guy finishes and Sofia pulls her panties up and then starts getting dressed all as Josefin gets dressed as well. From Call Girl.

  • Call Girl

    Sofia Karemyr

    Sofia Karemyr in the middle of a party having sex with a guy while lying naked on her back with him on top of her giving us some looks at her breasts all as Josefin Asplund looks at her and then walks past her through the room. From Call Girl.

  • Call Girl

    Sofia Karemyr

    Sofia Karemyr waking up topless and in white panties on a couch in the morning and then getting up and walking into another room while giving us a good look at her breasts before she wakes up a naked Josefin Asplund and then starts to get dressed all as Pernilla August walks up to them in a see-through white bra that shows her nipples underneath and hands them some money. From Call Girl.

  • Call Girl

    Sofia Karemyr

    Sofia Karemyr taking a shower and talking with a guy as she leans out a few times showing a bit of the side of her body and her cleavage before she reaches around the wall to turn the water off revealing her right breast and then giving us an even better look at her right breast and nipple as she holds her arm out waiting for him to give her a towel until he finally does and she puts it on. From Call Girl.

    0:17 - 19.58 MB - 1920x800 px April 2nd, 2017 @ 2:49 pm Sofia Karemyr - Call Girl - 1.mp4
  • Call Girl

    Sofia Karemyr

    Sofia Karemyr removing her light blue blouse to reveal her breasts and panties before she goes to get a red robe and then puts it on while walking back across the room. From Call Girl.

    0:06 - 7.55 MB - 1920x800 px April 12th, 2017 @ 1:53 pm Sofia Karemyr - Call Girl - 2.mp4
Josefin Asplund in Call Girl
Jade Viljamaa in Call Girl
Anna Lyons in Call Girl
  • Call Girl

    Anna Lyons

    Anna Lyons lying on her back naked giving us some looks at her breasts as she has sex with a guy who is on top of her in a bedroom before Josefine Kuniholm walks into the house and calls out to them all as Anna and the guy laugh before Anna shows her fully nude body and large bush as she stands and pulls her white panties up. From Call Girl.

    0:30 - 25.30 MB - 1920x800 px April 4th, 2017 @ 4:32 pm Anna Lyons & Josefine Kuniholm - Call Girl.mp4
Ruth Vega Fernandez in Call Girl
  • Call Girl

    Ruth Vega Fernandez

    Ruth Vega Fernandez lying on her back having sex with a guy on top of her showing her right breast all as she checks her watch to see if time is up yet before she's seen topless walking across the room to put on a robe and then in the kitchen with the robe hanging open and showing a hint of her bush under her slightly see-through black panties. From Call Girl.

    0:29 - 52.44 MB - 1920x800 px April 9th, 2017 @ 6:34 pm Ruth Vega Fernandez - Call Girl - 1.mp4

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  • Call Girl

    Ruth Vega Fernandez

    Ruth Vega Fernandez standing in an office as a guy undoes her dress and lets it drop to reveal her right breast from the side before he goes to answer the phone and she walks over to look out the window until he comes up behind her again. From Call Girl.

    0:08 - 10.50 MB - 1920x800 px April 2nd, 2017 @ 2:43 pm Ruth Vega Fernandez - Call Girl - 2.mp4

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Louise Peterhoff in Call Girl
  • Call Girl

    Louise Peterhoff

    Louise Peterhoff of The Bridge (AKA Bron and Broen) fame dancing on a stage in some lingerie with a slightly see-through red bra that shows a bit of her nipples underneath all as an unknown woman removes her own bra to reveal her breasts with pasties over her nipples before Louise walks off stage and then goes and talks with a group of people. From Call Girl.

    0:35 - 35.33 MB - 1920x800 px March 31st, 2017 @ 9:03 pm Louise Peterhoff & Unknown - Call Girl.mp4
Emelie Jonsson in Call Girl
  • Call Girl

    Emelie Jonsson

    Emelie Jonsson (credited as Emilie Jonsson) wearing a see-through sheer white blouse and black panties as she leans out of a window and then putting a plant on the window sill and leaning out again all while showing a bit of her nipples underneath her shirt. From Call Girl.

    0:07 - 10.90 MB - 1920x800 px March 31st, 2017 @ 8:59 pm Emelie Jonsson - Call Girl.mp4

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