Sybil Danning in Julie Darling
Julie Darling
Sybil Danning
Sybil Danning naked atop a guy while having sex in bed, showing her butt as she leans over him and he squeezes and sucks on her breasts from below. She then rides him, sitting up with her breasts in view. We then see her underneath him on her back, her right breast coming into view again before he moves his head to kiss it some more. From Julie Darling (AKA Daughter of Death).
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Isabelle Mejias in Julie Darling
Julie Darling
Isabelle Mejias
Isabelle Mejias looking in on a bedroom and imagining herself having sex with a guy, lying underneath him with her breasts pressed against his chest. We do see her right nipple sneak into view near the beginning of the scene. From Julie Darling (AKA Daughter of Death).

Cindy Girling in Julie Darling
Julie Darling
Cindy Girling
Cindy Girling showing bare breasts as she bathes naked in a tub and leans over to look out a window. She then stands up and steps out of the tub, showing more of her right breast from the side before wrapping up in a blue towel. From Julie Darling (AKA Daughter of Death).