Shannon Tweed in Dead by Dawn
Dead by Dawn
Shannon Tweed
Shannon Tweed in a kitchen as a guy removes her robe to reveal a black bra and panties and then feels up her breasts, kisses her cleavage, and slides his hand under her bra to grab her left breast before pulls her panties down and sits her on the counter and then removes her bra as he kisses her and her body all while showing her ass and the side of her right breast from behind. From Dead by Dawn.
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Dead by Dawn
Shannon Tweed
Shannon Tweed lying on her back in black thong panties and a black bra as a guy kisses her and feels up her breasts before kissing along her body and having her get on top showing her ass in the thong until finally she's seen on her back again showing her cleavage as they hear their kids call out to them causing the guy to get up and leave Shannon on the bed by herself. From Dead by Dawn.
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Dead by Dawn
Shannon Tweed
Shannon Tweed making out with a guy on a couch as they lower her red dress to reveal her black bra and have him feel up her breasts and kiss her cleavage before he slides his hand up her dress and then lowers her bra to reveal her left breast and then finally has sex with her from behind as she's bent over. From Dead by Dawn.
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Jodie Fisher in Dead by Dawn
Dead by Dawn
Jodie Fisher
Jodie Fisher sitting on the edge of a pool as she removes her dress to reveal her breasts and white panties and then having a guy help her into the water where they proceed to float around making out and having him kiss her breasts and run his hand over her chest all while a guys spies on them from inside of the house. From Dead by Dawn.
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Dead by Dawn
Jodie Fisher
Jodie Fisher seen during a fantasy sequence as she swims under the water topless and then emerges showing her breasts while looking up at a guy all while he fantasizes about it in his office. From Dead by Dawn.
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Dead by Dawn
Jodie Fisher
Jodie Fisher lying naked on her stomach as a guy runs his hand over her ass and body to wake her up before she rolls over and begins having sex with him giving us some great looks at her breasts as she rides him on the bed and has sex on her side with him behind her all he grabs her breasts a bit and she sucks on his finger. From Dead by Dawn.
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Dead by Dawn
Jodie Fisher
Jodie Fisher giving us a good look at her breasts while lying on her back dead as the camera moves along her body as the scene goes from black and white to color before some detectives are standing around looking at her as some other people cover her with a tarp. From Dead by Dawn.
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