Nicole LaLiberte in Smartass
Nicole LaLiberte
Nicole LaLiberte having energetic sex on top of a guy, showing her bare butt followed by her breasts as she grinds against him vigorously. After a while, she finally climbs off the guy and goes into another room to fetch some whipped cream. When she returns, she sprays some on his chest and licks it off. From Smartass.
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Nicole LaLiberte
Nicole LaLiberte appearing topless in a doorway as a guy points a shotgun at her. We then get a wider view of Nicole showing full-frontal nudity as she holds a doll in front of her without really covering up. Another guy then appears beside her and she stands partially hidden behind him as he talks to the guy with the shotgun. From Smartass.
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Joey King in Smartass
Joey King
Joey King lying on her stomach in a bra and panties as a guy awakens her by slapping the side of her butt. She then sits up, showing cleavage in her bra as she argues with the guy a bit. She then makes for an exit of the motel room, the guy yanking her bra off in the process, so she ends up standing outside with her arms crossed and her hands over her breasts. From Smartass.
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Cara Santana in Smartass
Cara Santana
Cara Santana topless with a bit of body paint over her nipples as she runs out of a house wearing just a headdress and a pair of panties, jumping on a guy's back and then standing and talking to another guy who shows up. From Smartass.
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