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O Céu de Suely (2006)
Hermila Guedes
Hermila Guedes removing her bra to reveal her nice breasts, which a guy grabs and sucks on emphatically. We then see her naked on her back with the guy on top as they have sex in bed, her breasts bouncing as the guy speeds it up. From O Céu de Suely (AKA Love for Sale). Updated to higher quality.
1:01 - 72.37 MB - 1920x1080 px February 27th, 2022 @ 8:29 pm Hermila Guedes - O Ceu de Suely - 1.mp4
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La jeune fille et les loups (2008)
Laetitia Casta
Former Victoria's Secret model Laetitia Casta posing for a photograph with her dress pulled down off one shoulder to expose her left breast. From La jeune fille et les loups (AKA The Maiden and the Wolves).
0:04 - 0.99 MB - 608x320 px August 25th, 2008 @ 7:07 pm Laetitia Casta - La jeune fille et les loups - 1.mpg
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Celos (1999)
Aitana Sánchez-Gijón
Aitana Sánchez-Gijón sitting in the passenger seat of a car as a guy drives and she hikes up her dress a bit and puts his hand between her legs while she gets sexually excited. We then see her in bed, lying on her back and grabbing the sheets as she has an orgasm. She's naked with the guy on top of her, her nipples remaining hidden from view. Hi-res DVD capture from Celos.
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Postal (2007)
Holly Eglington
Holly Eglington showing her large breasts as she lies on her back in bed and Lucie Guest goes down on her. Julia Sandberg Hansson is also lying on the bed on top of a guy with her bare ass in view, and Michaela Mann is next to the guy while he reaches down her shirt to fondle her left breast. Hi-res DVD capture from Postal.
0:39 - 9.92 MB - 720x400 px August 23rd, 2008 @ 7:45 pm bM8836-HollyEglington&JuliaSandbergHansson&MichaelaMann&LucieGuest-2.mpg
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The Cottage (2008)
Jennifer Ellison
Jennifer Ellison sitting captive on a toilet with her pants down, showing some nice cleavage in her tight white top as she tricks her captors into freeing her hands, allowing her to knock them over and escape. Hi-res DVD capture from The Cottage.
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Un homme perdu (2007)
Carole Ammoun
Carole Ammoun showing full nudity in a love scene with a guy, rolling around in bed with him to show off her breasts, buns, and bush. Good quality capture from Un homme perdu (AKA A Lost Man).
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El lado oscuro del corazón (1992)
Sandra Ballesteros
Sandra Ballesteros fully nude as she makes out with a guy and has sex with him while riding him on a bed as various items in the room start to break and light on fire before he starts going down on her under the sheet until finally she gets back on top of him and rides him some more while a woman watches from the doorway. Hi-res DVD capture from El lado oscuro del corazón (AKA The Dark Side of the Heart).
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Saving Grace (2007)
Holly Hunter
Holly Hunter hurrying to undress while standing by a front door, showing her bare butt and a bit of her right breast from behind and the side as she opens the door for a guy, jumping into his arms and kissing him as we see more of her butt. From Saving Grace.
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Murder-Set-Pieces (2004)
Valerie Baber
Valerie Baber showing her nice breasts as she rides a guy in bed naked, also showing her bare butt while on top of him. The guy then pushes her aside, and she gets out of bed to walk into another room, offering another look at her breasts and ass on the way. Hi-res DVD capture from Murder-Set-Pieces.
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Partners (1982)
Iris Albanti
Iris Albanti in the shower as a guy whips open the shower curtain and she turns to face him, giving us a good look at her bare breasts. Hi-res DVD capture from Partners.
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Juncture (2007)
Kristine Blackport
Kristine Blackport seen topless as she makes out with a guy, wearing some black boyshorts as we first see her left breast, then the right. Hi-res DVD capture from Juncture.
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Fortress (1992)
Loryn Locklin
Loryn Locklin wearing a skimpy teddy as she rides a guy in bed, the teddy creeping up a bit to give us a partial nude view of her butt. We then see her lying on her back as she continues to have sex with the guy. Hi-res DVD capture from Fortress.
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Restraint (2008)
Teresa Palmer
Teresa Palmer topless in bed with a guy, her breasts in view as they have sex and the guy leans over her while she lies on her back underneath him. We then see Teresa lying on her side with the sheet partially draped over her afterward. Hi-res DVD capture from Restraint.
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Quid Pro Quo (2008)
Vera Farmiga
Vera Farmiga naked underneath a guy as they have sex in bed, her breasts covered by the guy so we never quite see any nudity. Hi-res DVD capture from Quid Pro Quo.
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Border Lost (2008)
Marian Zapico
Marian Zapico having sex with a guy on a bed first on her back and then on top of him and giving us a couple of glimpses of the side of her left breast in the process. Hi-res DVD capture from Border Lost.
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Heart of the Beholder (2005)
Katelin Chesna-Henke
Katelin Chesna-Henke naked atop a guy as she rides him, showing her breasts and butt during this flashback sex scene. Hi-res DVD capture from Heart of the Beholder.
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Ave María (1999)
Tere López-Tarín
Tere López-Tarín lying naked on her back against a starry sky as a guy has sex with her and we see her bare breasts. Hi-res DVD capture from Ave María.
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Love Circles Around the World (1985)
Lisa Allison
Lisa Allison removing her white robe while standing in a doorway in a dark room to reveal her fully nude body to a guy and then turning on the light and giving us a better look at her before going into a different room and then kissing him before lying down on a bed and making out with him a bit more. Hi-res DVD capture from Love Circles Around the World (AKA La ronde de l'amour).
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The Hot Wives Club 2
Brooklynn sitting naked on a kitchen chair as she kisses a guy who is standing behind her and reaching down between her legs after playing with her breasts. She then leans over as the guy has sex with her from behind, holding her arms with his hands. Part 2 of 2 of a sex scene. Hi-res DVD capture from The Hot Wives Club 2.
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Desperate Characters (1971)
Shirley MacLaine
Shirley MacLaine having a guy unbutton her shirt and expose her breasts, which he grabs while kissing her. We then see her lying naked in bed, showing her breasts again as the guy makes out with her and she half-heartedly tries to get him to stop. Hi-res DVD capture from Desperate Characters.
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My Favorite Season (1993)
Carmen Chaplin
Carmen Chaplin dancing around a room topless, causing her breasts to bounce a bit as a couple people look on. After a while, she stops and puts on a pink bra. Hi-res DVD capture from My Favorite Season.
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Insanitarium (2008)
Lisa Arturo
Lisa Arturo pulling her tank top over her head to reveal her breasts as a guy approaches her and then holds her arms behind her back, accentuating her chest. She then lays back on a bed as the guy leans over her while we see more of her topless. Hi-res DVD capture from Insanitarium.
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The Dawn (2006)
Claudia Davila
Claudia Davila lying topless in in brown panties sleeping against a pillow and then having a nightmare about a guy standing over her bed causing her to writhe around giving us some great looks at her breasts before finally she wakes up and sits up topless. Hi-res DVD capture from The Dawn.
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The Chatterley Affair (2006)
Louise Delamere
Louise Delamere lying naked on her side in bed, the sheet pulled up to partially cover her butt. As she chats with a guy next to her, we see her left breast. She then flips onto her back and lies underneath the guy as they have sex. Hi-res DVD capture from The Chatterley Affair.
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Wild Reeds (1994)
Élodie Bouchez
Élodie Bouchez unhooking her dress and briefly revealing her right breast as a guy reaches around to hug her from behind while in the woods. We then see her lying on her back as the guy grabs her right breast and sucks on her left nipple. The view then shifts to also show Élodie's bush as she lies naked on her back with the guy leaning over her. Hi-res DVD capture from Wild Reeds (AKA Les roseaux sauvages).
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Senki (2007)
Tjasa Cvetkov
Tjasa Cvetkov riding a guy, pulling her shirt off over her head to expose her great breasts as she has sex with the guy and turns to look at another guy who is watching. Good quality capture from Senki (AKA Shadows).
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Solo Sunny (1980)
Jacqéline Pöggel
Jacqéline Pöggel covering her breasts with a blanket on a bed as Renate Krößner barges into the room and makes her get up off of the bed giving us a glimpse of Jacqéline's bush and breasts as she adjusts a sheet to cover herself while hiding against a wall until Renate rips the sheet off of her leaving her topless and trying to cover her breasts. Hi-res DVD capture from Solo Sunny.
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Shotgun (1989)
Katie Caple
Katie Caple removing her black dress to reveal some nice cleavage while bending over in a black lingerie bra top and black panties and then having a guy in a black leather mask enter the room and whip her before falling back onto a bed. Hi-res DVD capture from Shotgun.
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Felon (2008)
Marisol Nichols
Marisol Nichols of 24 and Vegas Vacation fame going through a security search at a prison, first seen in her black bra, and then removing that to stand topless as a guard checks her bra. Hi-res DVD capture from Felon.
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I Don't Kiss (1991)
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart naked in the shower, her nude first visible through the frosted glass, and then as a guy walks into the bathroom. First we see her bare butt, and then her breasts as she steps out and eventually covers up with a towel. Hi-res DVD capture from I Don't Kiss (AKA J'embrasse pas).
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