from Blown Away (1993)
Blown Away (1993)
Nicole Eggert
Baywatch and Charles in Charge star Nicole Eggert having a guy pull off her white bra and panties as he goes down on her, and then wrapping her legs around him as they have sex up against a wall in a hallway. Hi-res DVD capture from Blown Away.
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Blown Away (1993)
Nicole Eggert
Nicole Eggert laying topless in bed next to a guy, and then showing us her breasts as she sits up and throws on a robe. Hi-res DVD capture from Blown Away.
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from Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (2003)
Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (2003)
Cameron Diaz
Cameron Diaz and Demi Moore wearing sexy bikinis as they talk to each other on the beach. At the end there is a slow-motion Baywatch sequence of Demi Moore running, and a great shot of Cameron's ass when she paddles out on a surfboard. Hi-res DVD capture from Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle.
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Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (2003)
Cameron Diaz
Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore and Lucy Liu doing a sexy dance onstage wearing skimpy burlesque outfits. We see some nice close-ups of their butts and at one point Cameron's clothes come off and she stands nude, covering her breasts and bush with her hands. Hi-res DVD capture from Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle.
Sexy 1:58 - 27.91 MB - 720x288 px October 27th, 2003 @ 5:20 pm bM1962-CameronDiaz&DrewBarrymore&LucyLiu@CharliesAngelsFullThrottle-1.mpgMore [+]

from The Piano (1993)
The Piano (1993)
Holly Hunter
Holly Hunter bent over on her knees, showing us her nice ass before she turns around and sits nude on a bed with her breasts visible before a guy joins her. Hi-res DVD capture from The Piano.
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The Piano (1993)
Holly Hunter
Holly Hunter laying on her side next to a guy, her bare ass visible before he gets on top of her and they begin to have sex, giving us a look at her breasts. Hi-res DVD capture from The Piano.
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from Stigmata (1999)
Stigmata (1999)
Kira Reed
Kira Reed, body double for Patricia Arquette, seen from below the water as she lays fully nude in a bathtub, the camera panning up her naked body and giving us a glimpse of her bush in the reflection, and her arms covering her breasts. Hi-res DVD capture from Stigmata.
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Stigmata (1999)
Kira Reed
Kira Reed showing us her great ass and breasts while acting as the body double for Patricia Arquette during a sex scene with a guy. Hi-res DVD capture of a deleted scene from Stigmata.
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