from The Love Boat: The Next Wave (1998)
The Love Boat: The Next Wave (1998)
Jessica Alba
A young Jessica Alba wearing a green bikini top for a while and later a full bikini as she talks with different people and then wearing a grey dress before dancing around in a red outfit in a musical montage from her guest appearance on The Love Boat: The Next Wave.
Sexy 3:03 - 35.80 MB - 400x304 px December 25th, 2003 @ 11:35 pm csvid_LoveBoatNW_JessicaAlba1Sml.mpgMore [+]

from The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn (1999)
The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn (1999)
Elisabeth Röhm
Elisabeth Röhm of Angel and Law & Order fame wearing a red top and black leather skirt with her right breast partially hanging out for quite a while before a guy lets her know causing her to adjust her shirt from The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn.
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from The Guiding Light (1952)
The Guiding Light (1952)
Lindsey McKeon
Lindsey McKeon wearing a white top with slightly hard nipples as she struggles while a guy holds her down and then getting up and taking her top and skirt off to reveal a white bra and white panties as she yells at him to take her before laying back and giving us a good look at her body from The Guiding Light.
Sexy 0:37 - 6.07 MB - 320x240 px December 25th, 2003 @ 11:28 pm vertigo016@06-18-02-AngryStrip_GL-McKeon_Lindsey-007.mpgMore [+]

from MTV's TRL
Katie Holmes
Katie Holmes wearing a black top and blue jeans and being asked to turn around and show off her belt giving us a close up look at her butt in the process from MTV's TRL.
Sexy 0:15 - 3.72 MB - 320x240 px December 25th, 2003 @ 11:27 pm Katie~Holmes-TRL10082001-beercaps.mpgMore [+]

from 2003 DVD Exclusive Awards (2003)
2003 DVD Exclusive Awards (2003)
Jenny McCarthy
Jenny McCarthy again wearing a dress made entirely out of DVDs from the 2003 DVD Exclusive Awards.
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from Las Vegas (2003)
Las Vegas (2003)
Nikki Cox
Nikki Cox wearing a low cut white dress that shows some slight cleavage as she talks with a guy in a casino from Las Vegas.
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from Fashion Rocks
Fashion Rocks
Elizabeth Hurley
Elizabeth Hurley wearing a dress that pushes her breasts up to show some cleavage as she presents during Fashion Rocks.
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