from La Répétition (2001)
La Répétition (2001)
Pascale Bussières
Pascale Bussières and Emmanuelle Béart lesbian kissing, and then moving to the bed, where we see Pascale fully nude as Emmanuelle reaches her hand down between her legs while the girls embrace each other. Hi-res DVD capture from La Répétition (AKA Replay).
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La Répétition (2001)
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart sitting topless in a bath tub with Pascale Bussières, both girls having their breasts exposed as the move about while washing. Hi-res DVD capture from La Répétition (AKA Replay).
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La Répétition (2001)
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart seen nude while having sex with a guy in bed, giving us a look at her ass and a glimpse of breasts and bush as she rolls around in bed afterwards. Hi-res DVD capture from La Répétition.
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from Saved! (2004)
Saved! (2004)
Jena Malone
Jena Malone of Donnie Darko fame wearing a pink bikini as she encourages a guy to squeeze her breasts with his hand. Hi-res DVD capture from Saved!.
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Saved! (2004)
Jena Malone
Jena Malone wearing a white bra top and showing some pokey nipples through it as she lays next to a guy in bed after they have sex. Hi-res DVD capture from Saved!.
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