from Return to Savage Beach (1998)
Return to Savage Beach (1998)
Shae Marks
Shae Marks in a sex scene with a guy in front of a fireplace, her large breasts on display as he has sex with her from behind, and then she lies underneath him. Also includes a quick shot of lower frontal nudity from Shae. Hi-res DVD capture from Return to Savage Beach.
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Return to Savage Beach (1998)
Julie K. Smith
Julie K. Smith wearing a short black skirt and nothing else as she dances topless on stage with a guy. Hi-res DVD capture from Return to Savage Beach.
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Return to Savage Beach (1998)
Carrie Westcott
Carrie Westcott having a guy remove her blue top to reveal her nice breasts before she leans over to kiss him. Hi-res DVD capture from Return to Savage Beach.
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Return to Savage Beach (1998)
Julie Strain
Julie Strain having a guy remove her bathing suit, ending up nude as they sit in a swimming pool and have sex. Hi-res DVD capture from Return to Savage Beach.
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from Never Talk to Strangers (1995)
Never Talk to Strangers (1995)
Rebecca De Mornay
Rebecca De Mornay licking a guy through a cage, and then joining him inside, as we see them have sex against the cage wall. Rebecca is first seen in a black bra, and then ends up nude as she sits in his lap. Hi-res DVD capture from Never Talk to Strangers.
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Never Talk to Strangers (1995)
Rebecca De Mornay
Rebecca De Mornay seen topless during a sex scene with a guy, her breasts visible as she rides him while in bed. Hi-res DVD capture from Never Talk to Strangers.
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from Heaven's Gate (1980)
Heaven's Gate (1980)
Isabelle Huppert
Isabelle Huppert sitting naked at a table, then running into a bedroom, where we see more of her breasts, buns and a few flashes of bush as she fools around in bed with a guy. Hi-res DVD capture from Heaven's Gate.
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Heaven's Gate (1980)
Isabelle Huppert
Isabelle Huppert seen standing completely nude in a river, showing breasts, buns and bush as she walks through the water and then up onto the riverbank before covering up with a jacket. Hi-res DVD capture from Heaven's Gate.
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