from My Nights Are More Beautiful Than Your Days (1989)
My Nights Are More Beautiful Than Your Days (1989)
Sophie Marceau
Sophie Marceau first showing full-frontal nudity as she whips off a towel and lies down on the floor. We then see her bare breasts and she kneels in front of a guy. Next, we see rear nudity as she has sex with a guy while sitting on a counter in a bathroom. We then get a good view of her breasts while lying in bed next to the guy. Lastly, we see her nude again from the side as she lies on the floor and the guy hands her a dress to wear. Hi-res DVD capture from My Nights Are More Beautiful Than Your Days (AKA Mes nuits sont plus belles que vos jours).
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My Nights Are More Beautiful Than Your Days (1989)
Sophie Marceau
Sophie Marceau standing on a stage as she first begins to pull down her dress, exposing her right nipple. She then pulls the dress down fully to reveal her breasts. Hi-res DVD capture from My Nights Are More Beautiful Than Your Days.
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from Breezy (1973)
Breezy (1973)
Kay Lenz
Kay Lenz laying down on her back while topless as a guys leans over and kisses her. Hi-res DVD capture from Breezy.
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Breezy (1973)
Kay Lenz
Kay Lenz sitting up in bed while nude, her right breast visible and then her bare butt as well before she puts on a robe. Hi-res DVD capture from Breezy.
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Breezy (1973)
Kay Lenz
Kay Lenz undressing in front of a guy, standing nude before she approaches and embraces him. Hi-res DVD capture from Breezy.
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from The Card Player (2003)
The Card Player (2003)
Stefania Rocca
Stefania Rocca baring her left breast as she makes out with a guy in bed. Hi-res DVD capture from The Card Player (AKA Il Cartaio).
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The Card Player (2003)
An unknown girl making out with a guy in an alley, her left nipple peeking out from her shirt as they kiss. Hi-res DVD capture from The Card Player.
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