from The Long Good Friday (1980)
The Long Good Friday (1980)
Pauline Melville
Pauline Melville topless as she lies underneath a guy in bed while a group of guys confront him. We then see her sitting up alone while still topless as one of the guys chats to her. Hi-res DVD capture from The Long Good Friday.

from Irresistible (2006)
Irresistible (2006)
Emily Blunt
Emily Blunt showing her breasts in silhouette against a blue background as she has sex with a guy on her back. Hi-res DVD capture from Irresistible.
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from Glitch! (1988)
Glitch! (1988)
Teri Weigel
Teri Weigel swimming toward a guy as he sits on the side of a pool, and then standing in front of him with hard nipples poking through her bikini, and her butt visible in her thong. Hi-res DVD capture from Glitch!.
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Glitch! (1988)
Teri Weigel
Teri Weigel first wearing a bikini as she sits with a guy in a large bath tub, and then seen leaning over him with her top removed and her breasts hanging down. Hi-res DVD capture from Glitch!.
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Glitch! (1988)
Laura Albert
Laura Albert sitting on a couch in a pink tanktop that shows some nipple through it, and then standing up and pulling the shirt off to reveal her breasts, which she partially covers with her arms. Hi-res DVD capture from Glitch!.
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Glitch! (1988)
Erica Boyer
1980's pornstar Erica Boyer seen in a crowd of other girls who play in a pool and a hot tub, quite a few of them going topless. Erica is seen in the bottom left preview picture. Hi-res DVD capture from Glitch!.
Glitch! (1988)
Christina Cardan
Christina Cardan sitting in a hot tub and removing her blue bikini top to reveal her breasts as she chats to the girl next to her. Hi-res DVD capture from Glitch!.