from Battle in Heaven (2005)
Battle in Heaven (2005)
Anapola Mushkadiz
Anapola Mushkadiz lying naked on top of a guy in bed, first showing her bare ass and then rolling over to give us a close-up view of her bush as well. The camera then pans up for an overhead view of her lying naked on her back and finally getting up to put on a robe. Hi-res DVD capture from Battle in Heaven.
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Battle in Heaven (2005)
Anapola Mushkadiz
Anapola Mushkadiz seen from the guy's perspective as she gives him oral sex, her breasts visible while she goes down on him in explicit detail. Hi-res DVD capture from Battle in Heaven.
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Battle in Heaven (2005)
Grace Avila
Grace Avila standing completely nude in the corner of a blue-painted room, her breasts and bush on display. Hi-res DVD capture from Battle in Heaven (AKA Batalla en el cielo).
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from Masters of Horror (2005)
Masters of Horror (2005)
Leah Graham
Leah Graham going topless during a sex scene with a guy, and then showing more of her breasts as well as a bit of her thong when she tries to help the guy as he has a bit of a seizure on the bed. Hi-res DVD capture from Masters of Horror, episode Chocolate.
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Masters of Horror (2005)
Lucie Laurier
Lucie Laurier seen completely nude in a mirror as a guy sees her reflection instead of his own, Lucie turning to the side to show her breasts and ass. Hi-res DVD capture from Masters of Horror, episode Chocolate.
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from Modern Romance (1981)
Modern Romance (1981)
Kathryn Harrold
Kathryn Harrold of The Larry Sanders Show fame shedding her robe to show her left breast and buns while climbing into bed. We then get a look at her right breast when she lies in bed with a guy. Hi-res DVD capture from Modern Romance.
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Modern Romance (1981)
Kathryn Harrold
Kathryn Harrold opening her dress while standing in front of a guy, revealing her pink slip underneath that shows her nipples through the see-through fabric. Hi-res DVD capture from Modern Romance.
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from Munich (2005)
Munich (2005)
Marie-Josée Croze
Marie-Josée Croze opening her robe to reveal her breasts in a houseboat before a couple guys shoot her. The scene then gets a bit bloody as she stumbles to a chair and sits back with her robe completely open to expose her bush, too. Hi-res DVD capture from Munich.
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from Mary (2005)
Mary (2005)
Marion Cotillard
Marion Cotillard giving us some blurry, out-of-focus nude views as she gets out of bed close to the camera. We then get a better view of her bare ass when she sleeps on her stomach and a guy leans over to kiss her. From Mary.
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