from Hideous! (1997)
Hideous! (1997)
Sara St. James
Sara St. James (credited as Jacqueline Lovell) topless and in shorts while wearing a gorilla mask as she holds a guy up with a gun and then walks around in the snow with her breasts jiggling a bit while tying him up and talking to him before going over to a car and getting a cooler out and then leaving. Hi-res DVD capture from Hideous!.
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Hideous! (1997)
Rhonda Griffin
Rhonda Griffin lying in bed as a creature pulls down her top underneath the blanket and sucks on her right nipple while she sleeps. Hi-res DVD capture from Hideous!.
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from These Girls (2005)
These Girls (2005)
Holly Lewis
Holly Lewis of The Newsroom fame lying on her back topless as she talks with a guy and starts to have sex with him before talking some more and then having some more sex. Hi-res DVD capture of a brightened version of a very dark scene from These Girls.
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These Girls (2005)
Caroline Dhavernas
Caroline Dhavernas of Wonderfalls fame getting out of bed and sitting on the edge and giving us a look at her left breast and nipple as she puts her panties and bra on and then standing up and puting a shirt on all as she talks with a guy. Hi-res DVD capture from These Girls.
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from Odyssey 5 (2002)
Odyssey 5 (2002)
Leilene Ondrade
Leilene Ondrade (AKA Alexis from the WWE Diva Search) seen on a TV having her shirt ripped off by an unknown girl to reveal her large breasts and then seen tied up and being whipped by the unknown girl who is now topless as well and showing her large breasts all as a guy watches. Hi-res DVD capture from Odyssey 5.
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Odyssey 5 (2002)
Tamara Craig Thomas
Tamara Craig Thomas wearing a white tanktop with no bra and hard nipples as she talks with a guy in a kitchen. Hi-res DVD capture from Odyssey 5.
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Odyssey 5 (2002)
Tamara Craig Thomas
Tamara Craig Thomas getting up out of bed while wearing a gray tanktop and gray thong panties. Hi-res DVD capture from Odyssey 5.
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from Conviction (2006)
Conviction (2006)
Milena Govich
Milena Govich of Rescue Me fame standing in a black bra as she removes her pants to reveal black panties and then sits on a bed from Conviction.
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