from The Key (1983)
The Key (1983)
Stefania Sandrelli
Stefania Sandrelli first lying on top of a bed as a guy begins to undress her, taking off her panties. They then get under the sheets, and the guy rolls on top of her to have sex. Afterwards, we get a view between her legs before she rolls onto her side and puts her hands between her legs. Hi-res DVD capture from the Tinto Brass film The Key (AKA La chiave).
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The Key (1983)
Stefania Sandrelli
Stefania Sandrelli lying on her stomach in bed, her bare ass visible when a guy gives her a quick injection and then rubs her backside. Hi-res DVD capture from The Key.
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The Key (1983)
Stefania Sandrelli
Stefania Sandrelli lying in bed in a corset and pantyhose while a guy poses her in different positions and photographs her, giving us a look at her breasts, buns and between her legs. The guy then climbs on top of her and has sex with her after sucking on her right breast. Hi-res DVD capture from The Key.
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from My Wife Is an Actress (2001)
My Wife Is an Actress (2001)
Charlotte Gainsbourg
Chrlotte Gainsbourg first lying on her back as a guy goes down on her, and then revealing her right breast while the guy has sex with her. Hi-res DVD capture from My Wife Is an Actress (AKA Ma femme est une actrice).
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My Wife Is an Actress (2001)
Charlotte Gainsbourg
Charlotte Gainsbourg having her robe removed from behind by a naked Rachel Williams giving us good looks at both of their asses and then Charlotte getting into bed and giving us a brief look at her left breast and nipple all while Joelle Edwards kneels naked putting some stuff away in the background. Hi-res DVD capture from My Wife Is an Actress.
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My Wife Is an Actress (2001)
Jo McInnes
Jo McInnes walking quickly down a hallway topless, her breasts bouncing nicely as she escorts Charlotte Gainsbourg toward a film set. Hi-res DVD capture from My Wife Is an Actress.
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from Valley of the Dolls (1967)
Valley of the Dolls (1967)
Sharon Tate
Sharon Tate starting off in a bra and ending up naked as shown in a film, her nipples popping into view a few times during a sex scene with a guy. Hi-res DVD capture from Valley of the Dolls.

from Shadow Man (2006)
Shadow Man (2006)
Corina Toader
Corina Toader shedding her robe and showing her great ass when she stands nude and turns to look at a guy over her shoulder. Hi-res DVD capture from Shadow Man.

from Fright Club (2006)
Fright Club (2006)
Cindy Pena
Cindy Pena holding her large breasts as she has sex with a guy - riding him while in a Little Red Riding Hood outfit. Hi-res DVD capture from Fright Club.