from The Regina Pierce Affair (2001)
The Regina Pierce Affair (2001)
Holly Sampson
Holly Sampson rolling over fully nude and lying on her back as a guy kisses down her chest and stomach and then goes down on her before she gets on top of him and rides him as they have sex on a bed. Hi-res DVD capture from The Regina Pierce Affair. Part 1 of 2.
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The Regina Pierce Affair (2001)
Holly Sampson
Holly Sampson on her knees having fully nude sex from behind with a guy and then lying on her side and having some more sex with him. Hi-res DVD capture from The Regina Pierce Affair. Part 2 of 2.
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The Regina Pierce Affair (2001)
Amber Newman
Amber Newman sitting in a bathtub nude talking with a guy briefly until C.C. Costigan walks in and they start making out and then Amber gets on top of him and rides him in the water as he plays with her breasts and C.C. watches. Hi-res DVD capture from The Regina Pierce Affair. Part 1 of 2.
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The Regina Pierce Affair (2001)
Amber Newman
Amber Newman having fully nude sex from behind in a bathtub as a guy plays with her breasts and then sitting on the edge of the tub as he goes down on her all while C.C. Costigan watches and runs her hands over her own body. Hi-res DVD capture from The Regina Pierce Affair. Part 2 of 2.
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from 10 to Midnight (1983)
10 to Midnight (1983)
June Gilbert
June Gilbert lying on her back having sex in the back of a van with a guy until another guy opens the rear doors causing her to get up fully nude and try and go out the side door. Hi-res DVD capture from 10 to Midnight.
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from Twisted Sisters (2006)
Twisted Sisters (2006)
Fiona Horsey
Fiona Horsey lying on her back on the edge of a bed in an opened top that shows her breasts and black panties as a guy thrusts into her hard while yelling dirty things at her as they pretend to have sex while some other people listen until finally they break up laughing. Hi-res DVD capture from the special features of Twisted Sisters.
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from Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth (1992)
Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth (1992)
Paula Marshall
Paula Marshall of Veronica Mars and Out of Practice fame getting up off of the ground in slow motion and having her left breast accidentally pop out of the bottom of her top. Hi-res DVD capture from Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth.
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from Inside Man (2006)
Inside Man (2006)
Kim Director
Kim Director bending over in a low cut white tanktop and showing a lot of cleavage as she cleans up some dirt off the floor. Hi-res DVD capture from Inside Man.
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from The View (1997)
The View (1997)
Brittany Snow
Brittany Snow of American Dreams fame wearing a low cut black top that shows some nice cleavage as she talks with American Idol star Katharine McPhee, Joy Behar, Barbara Walters and Elisabeth Hasselbeck (AKA Elisabeth Filarski) from The View.
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