from A Girl's Affair (2002)
A Girl's Affair (2002)
April Hanna
April Hanna (credited as April Hannah) pulling her top open to reveal her breasts to a guy and then letting him kiss them and then having him remove her jeans and lying back on a bench fully nude as he goes down on her while she grabs her breasts. Hi-res DVD capture from A Girl's Affair. Part 1 of 3.
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A Girl's Affair (2002)
April Hanna
April Hanna standing fully nude as a guy goes down on her while she plays with her breasts and then getting on top of him on a bed and letting him kiss her nipples before having sex while riding him as they each grab her breasts. Hi-res DVD capture from A Girl's Affair. Part 2 of 3.
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A Girl's Affair (2002)
April Hanna
April Hanna getting up off of a guy and lying down on her back fully nude as she has sex with him causing her large breasts to bounce. Hi-res DVD capture from A Girl's Affair. Part 3 of 3.
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from Various Positions (2002)
Various Positions (2002)
Carly Pope
Carly Pope lying topless on her side on a bed with a guy and lifting up a bit in slow motion to reveal her right breast and nipple before lying back down. Hi-res DVD capture from Various Positions.
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Various Positions (2002)
Carly Pope
Carly Pope squatting on the ground in high heels and having her skirt open up a bit to reveal the right side of her ass in a pair of white tights as she talks with a guy. Hi-res DVD capture from Various Positions.
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from Hidden Assassin (1995)
Hidden Assassin (1995)
Maruschka Detmers
Maruschka Detmers sitting in a bathtub topless giving us a look at her left breast from the side as she tends to a guy's arm. Hi-res DVD capture from Hidden Assassin (AKA The Shooter).
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Hidden Assassin (1995)
Assumpta Serna
Assumpta Serna looking at a guy's wounded arm and having her robe accidentally open up to give us a look at her right breast. Hi-res DVD capture from Hidden Assassin (AKA The Shooter).
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from National Lampoon's Dorm Daze 2 (2006)
National Lampoon's Dorm Daze 2 (2006)
Marieh Delfino
Marieh Delfino looking sex while sitting in a chair showing off her legs while wearing an opened black coat with a black bra underneath as she talks with a guy and listens to another guy talk to him. Hi-res DVD capture from National Lampoon's Dorm Daze 2.
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National Lampoon's Dorm Daze 2 (2006)
Vida Guerra
Vida Guerra wearing a low cut nightgown that shows off some nice cleavage as she walks across a room with a guy and then watches him bounce on a bed before sitting down next to him and letting him kiss her arm until they both fall off the bed. Hi-res DVD capture from National Lampoon's Dorm Daze 2.
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