from A Clockwork Orange (1971)
A Clockwork Orange (1971)
Virginia Wetherell
Virginia Wetherell standing topless and in white panties as she walks across a stage over to a guy giving us a nice clear view of her great breasts and then seen from below as he looks up at them and her hard nipples and then from above and from the side as he tries to grab them until finally he can't and she walks off stage while the audience claps. Hi-res DVD capture from A Clockwork Orange.
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from Deathsport (1978)
Deathsport (1978)
Claudia Jennings
Former PMOY Claudia Jennings lying back while topless and kissing a guy giving us a look at her breasts and then having him kiss down her chest and stomach. Hi-res DVD capture from Deathsport.
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Deathsport (1978)
Valerie Rae Clark
Valerie Rae Clark dancing around fully nude between some bars until a guy turns some electricity on and she gets shocked by the bars and writhes around between them and on the ground before he walks over to help her and gets shocked himself. Hi-res DVD capture from Deathsport.
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from American Pie 5: The Naked Mile (2006)
American Pie 5: The Naked Mile (2006)
Jaclyn A. Smith
Jaclyn A. Smith (right) seen from behind removing her striped panties and top to reveal her ass and the side of her left breast while standing next to Candace Kroslak (center) who removes her top and pink panties to reveal her ass as she stands next to Angel Lewis (left) who removes her thong panties and top to reveal her ass and the side of her right breast. All in slow motion while some guys watch. Hi-res DVD capture of the special features from American Pie 5: The Naked Mile.
0:12 - 2.69 MB - 720x400 px May 6th, 2007 @ 11:04 pm CandaceKroslak,AngelLewis&JaclynASmith@AmericanPiePresentsTheNakedMile-SpecialFeatures-1-CMA.mpg
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American Pie 5: The Naked Mile (2006)
Angel Lewis
Angel Lewis seen on the right standing topless and in beige flesh-colored panties as a guy cheers and the camera zooms in on them in slow motion. Hi-res DVD capture of the special features from American Pie 5: The Naked Mile.
0:11 - 2.47 MB - 720x400 px May 6th, 2007 @ 11:02 pm AngelLewis@AmericanPiePresentsTheNakedMile-SpecialFeatures-2-CMA.mpg
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American Pie 5: The Naked Mile (2006)
Jessy Schram
Jessy Schram wearing an opened robe with a pink bra and panties underneath as she lets a guy into a room and then talks with him a bit before taking off the robe and making out with him and then lying down on the ground and kissing him some more until finally they're interrupted and she scrambles to put her robe back on while he hides. Hi-res DVD capture from American Pie 5: The Naked Mile.
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American Pie 5: The Naked Mile (2006)
Jordan Madley
Jordan Madley wearing a brown bra and panties as she stands in a locker room getting dressed and talks with Melanie Merkosky who is wearing a green bra and panties and Jessy Schram who is wearing a pink shirt and pink panties. Hi-res DVD capture from American Pie 5: The Naked Mile.
Sexy 0:25 - 6.15 MB - 720x384 px May 6th, 2007 @ 10:56 pm JordanMadley,MelanieMerkosky&JessySchram@AmericanPiePresentsTheNakedMile-CMA.mpgMore [+]
American Pie 5: The Naked Mile (2006)
Alexis Maitland
Alexis Maitland walking out of a house in pink panties and a robe that's opened down the middle that shows some of her breasts as she walks up to a guy and kisses him before talking with him and then having a monkey crawl on her shoulder. Hi-res DVD capture from American Pie 5: The Naked Mile.
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