from The Nostradamus Kid (1993)
The Nostradamus Kid (1993)
Miranda Otto
Miranda Otto underneath a guy as they have sex in bed, and then revealing her left breast when she rolls over afterward. Hi-res DVD capture from The Nostradamus Kid.
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The Nostradamus Kid (1993)
Miranda Otto
Miranda Otto lying in bed topless on her stomach as a guy hands her a newspaper, her right breast coming into view when she props herself up to read the front page. Hi-res DVD capture from The Nostradamus Kid.
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from Leprechaun 4: In Space (1996)
Leprechaun 4: In Space (1996)
Rebekah Carlton
Rebekah Carlton unhooking her top and pulling it open to expose her breasts, wearing some gold glitter on her chest as she walks around topless. Hi-res DVD capture from Leprechaun 4: In Space.
Leprechaun 4: In Space (1996)
Debbe Dunning
Debbe Dunning of Home Improvement fame seen in a grey bra as she makes out with a guy on a spaceship and a leprechaun jumps out of the guy's pants, Debbe grabbing a gun to go after him. Hi-res DVD capture from Leprechaun 4: In Space.
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from Violette (1978)
Violette (1978)
Isabelle Huppert
Isabelle Huppert first briefly showing her left nipple as she sits up in bed, and then lying in bed again with her right nipple peeking out from under the sheets. Hi-res DVD capture from Violette.
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Violette (1978)
Isabelle Huppert
Isabelle Huppert sitting naked, her left breast visible as a guy kneels in front of her and they talk. Hi-res DVD capture from Violette.
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