from Ghost Story (1981)
Ghost Story (1981)
Alice Krige
Start Trek: First Contact Borg queen Alice Krige sharing a bath with a guy, both breasts in view as she soaps up and plays with his foot as she sits at the opposite end of the tub from him. Hi-res DVD capture from Ghost Story.
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Ghost Story (1981)
Alice Krige
Alice Krige sitting topless on the corner of a bed, her breasts in view as she stares into space and a guy wakes up beside her. Hi-res DVD capture from Ghost Story.
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Ghost Story (1981)
Alice Krige
Alice Krige standing naked in a living room, looking out a glass sliding door while facing away from the camera, and then turning to show her breasts as she walks past a guy. Hi-res DVD capture from Ghost Story.
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from Bloodlines (2007)
Bloodlines (2007)
Molly Berg
Molly Berg riding a guy as they have sweaty sex, showing her breasts as the camera moves to view Molly from the front. We then see more of Molly topless as she talks with the guy in bed afterward. Hi-res DVD capture from Bloodlines.
Bloodlines (2007)
Tracy Kay
Tracy Kay showing some nice cleavage and a toned stomach as she is forced to strip down to her bra and panties and is then tied up on a bed by Molly Berg. Hi-res DVD capture from Bloodlines.
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from Rapid Fire (1992)
Rapid Fire (1992)
Brigitta Stenberg
Brigitta Stenberg posing naked as a nude model for an art class as a group of people make sketches of her, and we see her breasts. Hi-res DVD capture from Rapid Fire.
Rapid Fire (1992)
Kate Hodge
Kate Hodge making out with a guy and then leaning over him in bed as he pulls her sweater over her head, revealing her breasts. Hi-res DVD capture from Rapid Fire.

from Big City Blues (1997)
Big City Blues (1997)
Georgina Cates
Georgina Cates taking off her bra and panties while in front of a mirror, showing her naked body as she removes a wig and then walks over to a shelf to pick up an item. Hi-res DVD capture from Big City Blues.
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from Bang (1995)
Bang (1995)
Darling Narita
Darling Narita lying facedown in a bathtub, her bare butt in view as she floats there for a while holding her breath before surfacing. Hi-res DVD capture from Bang.