from Possessed by the Night (1994)
Possessed by the Night (1994)
Shannon Tweed
Shannon Tweed being thrown down on a bed by a guy as he takes off her panties and reaches up to grab her breasts in her bra. We then see her bouncing up and down as she rides the guy as she slaps him around a bit. Finally, we see him reaching around to grab her large breasts as he has sex with her from behind. Hi-res DVD capture from Possessed by the Night.
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Possessed by the Night (1994)
Sandahl Bergman
Sandahl Bergman of Red Sonja fame naked in bed with a guy, showing her buns and breasts while she rides him and then rolls underneath him as they continue to have sex. She finally ends up on top of the guy again as they finish while it storms outside the house. Hi-res DVD capture from Possessed by the Night.
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Possessed by the Night (1994)
Sandahl Bergman
Sandahl Bergman having a guy take off her red dress, showing some pokey nipples in her bra as the guy pulls her panties aside a bit to kiss her on her butt from behind before she stops him. Hi-res DVD capture from Possessed by the Night.
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Possessed by the Night (1994)
Amy Rochelle
Amy Rochelle giving a guy a shoulder massage as he sits on a couch and she sits topless behind him. Melissa Brasselle is also seen sitting next to the guy, wearing a bikini top. Hi-res DVD capture from Possessed by the Night.
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from Sons & Lovers (2003)
Sons & Lovers (2003)
Esther Hall
Esther Hall first seen briefly naked from behind as she runs into the ocean for a skinny-dip, and then seen nude on top of a guy as she rides him. Finally, we see Esther's breasts and bush when she lies on her side in bed afterward, talking to the guy. Hi-res DVD capture from Sons & Lovers.
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Sons & Lovers (2003)
Esther Hall
Esther Hall lying on her back in bed as a guy finishes having sex with her, and then lays down next to her. Esther is seen topless as she talks to the guy afterward, sitting up in the bed slightly. Hi-res DVD capture from Sons & Lovers.
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Sons & Lovers (2003)
Esther Hall
Esther Hall sitting up in bed as a guy lies across her lap and we see her right breast while she holds his head. Hi-res DVD capture from Sons & Lovers.
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Sons & Lovers (2003)
Lyndsey Marshal
Lyndsey Marshal walking naked into the ocean for a late night skinny-dip, showing her breasts, buns and bush as she stands in the water up to her thighs. Hi-res DVD capture from Sons & Lovers.
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