from The Bitch (1979)
The Bitch (1979)
Pamela Salem
Pamela Salem (best known as Miss Moneypenny in the James Bond film Never Say Never Again) nude underneath a white sheet as she rides a guy on a bed and then having the sheet removed and being flipped over and having sex on her back as he sucks on her nipples until finally she rolls back on top of him and lies with her breasts pressed against his chest. Hi-res DVD capture from The Bitch.
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The Bitch (1979)
Joan Collins
Joan Collins lying topless with her breasts pressed against a guy and then adjusting herself and giving us a good look at her large left breast before lying on his chest and kissing him for a bit. Hi-res DVD capture from The Bitch.
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The Bitch (1979)
Sue Lloyd
Sue Lloyd walking past a pool and looking into a steam room where two women are sitting fully nude lesbian kissing each other and then removing her dress to reveal blue panties with pasties over her nipples before getting into the pool with Vicki Scott and several other nude men and women and swimming around and making out with each other as they skinny dip. Hi-res DVD capture from The Bitch.
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from The Chambermaid (2004)
The Chambermaid (2004)
Fiona Horsey
Fiona Horsey getting out of bed nude, taking a shower, and then blow drying her hair all as black censor-style credit bars move around covering her body, with her nipples and ass occasionally being shown, until finally a guy feels her up from behind and then lays her on the kitchen table and starts to go down on her giving us a better look at her body. Hi-res DVD capture from The Chambermaid (AKA Lovesick: Sick Love).
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The Chambermaid (2004)
Fiona Horsey
Fiona Horsey walking into a kitchen and removing her white robe to reveal black panties and a see-through top that clearly shows her nipples and then sitting on a guy's lap and having him kiss her stomach until another guy gets mad and they start yelling at each other until she leaves. Hi-res DVD capture from The Chambermaid.
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The Chambermaid (2004)
Fiona Horsey
Fiona Horsey opening a door and leaning through the doorway while topless as she talks with a guy in a bed before turning around and kissing a different guy. Hi-res DVD capture from The Chambermaid.
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from Satan's Little Helper (2004)
Satan's Little Helper (2004)
Katheryn Winnick
Katheryn Winnick wearing a low cut red dress as a guy in a devil mask feels her up and plays with her breasts while squeezing them all as a kid watches. Hi-res DVD capture from Satan's Little Helper.
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Satan's Little Helper (2004)
Melisa McGregor
Melisa McGregor giving us a look at her breasts as she lies dead on the ground in an opened blue robe with cuts on her chest and stomach while the phone rings. Hi-res DVD capture from Satan's Little Helper.
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Satan's Little Helper (2004)
Dana Smith-Croll
Dana Smith-Croll wearing a red dress and a mask as a guy in a devil mask grabs her left breast and shakes it while they pose for a picture at a Halloween party. Hi-res DVD capture from Satan's Little Helper.
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