from Pauly Shore's Natural Born Komics Sketch Comedy Movie: Miami (2007)
Pauly Shore's Natural Born Komics Sketch Comedy Movie: Miami (2007)
A woman credited as Jewel walking fully nude into a room and over to where some guys are sitting on the couch and grabbing a phone before leaving. She then reenters the room and starts talking with them all while still fully nude as they film it with hidden cameras. Hi-res DVD capture from Pauly Shore's Natural Born Komics Sketch Comedy Movie: Miami.
0:46 - 11.16 MB - 640x480 px May 15th, 2008 @ 11:14 pm Jewel@PaulyShoresNaturalBornKomicsSketchComedyMovieMiami-1-CMA.mpg
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Pauly Shore's Natural Born Komics Sketch Comedy Movie: Miami (2007)
Arianna Coltellacci
Arianna Coltellacci removing her blue tanktop to reveal a green bikini top with hard nipples and then removing that as well to show her breasts to camera all as seen as they film her during some audition footage. Hi-res DVD capture of the special features from Pauly Shore's Natural Born Komics Sketch Comedy Movie: Miami.
0:12 - 3.57 MB - 640x480 px May 15th, 2008 @ 11:12 pm AriannaColtellacci@PaulyShoresNaturalBornKomicsSketchComedyMovieMiami-SpecialFeatures-CMA.mpg
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Pauly Shore's Natural Born Komics Sketch Comedy Movie: Miami (2007)
An unknown woman in a cheerleader outfit sitting in a restaurant booth and simulating oral sex with a banana a couple of times while Cindy Iglesias (left) and Bianca McKinney (right) both watch also while dressed as cheerleaders. Hi-res DVD capture of the special features from Pauly Shore's Natural Born Komics Sketch Comedy Movie: Miami.
Sexy 0:12 - 3.09 MB - 640x480 px May 15th, 2008 @ 11:10 pm CindyIglesias,Unknown&BiancaMcKinney@PaulyShoresNaturalBornKomicsSketchComedyMovieMiami-Special-CMA.mpgMore [+]

from Loveless in Los Angeles (2007)
Loveless in Los Angeles (2007)
Navi Rawat
Navi Rawat of 24 and The O.C. fame removing her animal print robe to reveal a black slip and then getting into bed and removing her underwear under the sheets before a guy climbs on top of her and has sex with her as she continues to talk nonstop. Hi-res DVD capture from Loveless in Los Angeles.
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Loveless in Los Angeles (2007)
Anya Monzikova
Briefcase model on Deal or No Deal Anya Monzikova showing some nice cleavage in a yellow bra along with Jamie Miller in a strapless black bra as they sit next to a guy who takes turns kissing their necks while they play with a whip and Anya briefly puts her finger inside of Jamie's bra before the guy gets up and a fat guy sits down in between them and sprays whipped cream on his stomach which they each play with all as some other guys give them directions. Hi-res DVD capture of a deleted scene from Loveless in Los Angeles.
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from Friday Night with Jonathan Ross (2001)
Friday Night with Jonathan Ross (2001)
Jade Jagger
Mick Jagger's daughter Jade Jagger giving us a brief flash up her black skirt and in between her legs as she spreads her legs and then crosses them in slow motion while sitting on a couch all as seen in a very large resolution clip.

from Berkeley (2005)
Berkeley (2005)
Georgia Ximenes Lifsher
Georgia X. Lifsher wearing a see-through white top as she walks past some guys that clearly shows her breasts, nipples and white panties. Hi-res DVD capture from Berkeley.
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Berkeley (2005)
Sarah Carter
Sarah Carter wearing a green top with no bra and hard nipples as she flips through a book and then talks with a guy who was watching her. Hi-res DVD capture from Berkeley.
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Berkeley (2005)
Laura Jordan
Laura Jordan wearing a braless white dress with hard nipples as she walks down a sidewalk talking with a guy before turning and facing him. Hi-res DVD capture from Berkeley.
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