from Six Swedes on a Campus (1979)
Six Swedes on a Campus (1979)
Brigitte Lahaie
Brigitte Lahaie lying fully nude on a rug as she rolls back and forth spreading her legs and then giving us a close up view as she explicitly masturbates all while a guy watches. Hi-res DVD capture from Six Swedes on a Campus (AKA Sechs Schwedinnen im Pensionat).
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Six Swedes on a Campus (1979)
Danièle Troeger
Danièle Troeger (credited as Dany White) and Elsa Maroussia removing their clothes to reveal their fully nude bodies and playing on a beach and in a river before they spot a guy spying on them and Danièle lays on the rocks moving seductively nude as she tries to distract him while Elsa sneaks up behind him and knocks him out until finally they both take his clothes off and play with his body for a bit and then get dressed and leave. Hi-res DVD capture from Six Swedes on a Campus (AKA Sechs Schwedinnen im Pensionat).
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Six Swedes on a Campus (1979)
Anne Libert
Anne Libert lying nude on top of a guy on a blanket on a beach as she has sex with him while kind of grinding on him giving us some looks at her breasts and butt. Hi-res DVD capture from Six Swedes on a Campus (AKA Sechs Schwedinnen im Pensionat).
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from 7 Angels in Eden (2007)
7 Angels in Eden (2007)
Kristin Sutton
Kristin Sutton walking through a forest as she removes her dress to reveal her breasts and her ass in a pair of white panties before running into some trees. Hi-res DVD capture from 7 Angels in Eden (AKA Seven Angels in Eden).
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7 Angels in Eden (2007)
Nicole Leigh
Nicole Leigh wearing a low cut white dress as she bends across a flickering fire and shakes a guy's hand as he checks out her cleavage. Hi-res DVD capture from 7 Angels in Eden (AKA Seven Angels in Eden).
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from Ugly Betty (2006)
Ugly Betty (2006)
Gina Gershon
Gina Gershon of Rescue Me and Showgirls fame parting her hair to show off some very impressive cleavage in a pink dress and then talking with Vanessa Williams for a bit. Hi-res DVD capture from Ugly Betty.
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Ugly Betty (2006)
Mini Anden
Mini Anden sitting in a chair in a red bra and a black garter with stockings along with several other models also in lingerie as America Ferrera walks in on them in an office before they all get up and leave and walk past her. Hi-res DVD capture from Ugly Betty.
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from Avida (2006)
Avida (2006)
Velvet D'Amour
Velvet D'Amour dancing vigorously in pink panties and a loose fitting white bra with her large breasts jiggling and bouncing around and her left nipples occasionally popping out a bit. Hi-res DVD capture of the special features from Avida.
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Avida (2006)
Velvet D'Amour
Velvet D'Amour stretching and dancing on the ground in black stretch pants with her large black thong sticking out and then seen posing nude with a snake during a photoshoot. Hi-res DVD capture of the special features from Avida.
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