from The Possession of Joel Delaney (1972)
The Possession of Joel Delaney (1972)
Barbara Trentham
John Cleese's ex-wife, Barbara Trentham, lying topless on a bed as she kisses a guy and has sex with him until they finish and he rolls off of her and she tries to cover up with a blanket leaving her right nipple sticking out. Hi-res DVD capture from The Possession of Joel Delaney.
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from Sex Medusa (2001)
Sex Medusa (2001)
Miho Nomoto
Miho Nomoto pulling down the shoulder strap of her blue dress to reveal her right breast and then giving us some long looks at the side of her left breast as she makes out with a guy and gropes him trying to get him to have sex with her showing off her ass a bit in an upskirt with white thong panties before finally he pushes her off of him and forces her to cover herself with a pink blanket. Hi-res DVD capture from Sex Medusa.
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Sex Medusa (2001)
Miho Nomoto
Miho Nomoto relaxing while sitting topless and in white thong bikini bottoms in a hot tub before moving across the water and reaching out for some eggs. Hi-res DVD capture from Sex Medusa.
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from The Stud (1978)
The Stud (1978)
Emma Jacobs
Emma Jacobs facing the camera as she removes her dress to reveal a white bra with slightly hard nipples and then removing her bra to reveal her breasts before walking over to a bed to find a different dress all as she talks with Natalie Ogle. Hi-res DVD capture from The Stud.
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The Stud (1978)
Joan Collins
Joan Collins lying on her stomach on a massage table as a guy pulls down her pink towel to reveal the top of her butt and then massaging her butt and back while she talks with Sue Lloyd and sits up on occasion showing off some of her breasts. Hi-res DVD capture from The Stud.
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The Stud (1978)
Joan Collins
Joan Collins walking into a room and whipping off her skirt and turning to reveal a pair of white thong panties with stockings and a garter that show off her ass briefly. Hi-res DVD capture from The Stud.
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The Stud (1978)
Joan Collins
Joan Collins riding in the back of a car with a guy in an opened fur coat with a pair of black panties and a see-through bra on underneath that shows her nipples all as she grabs him in between his legs a bit and tries to seduce him. Hi-res DVD capture from The Stud.
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from Much Ado About Nothing (1993)
Much Ado About Nothing (1993)
Imelda Staunton
Imelda Staunton wearing a white dress as she repeatedly knocks a guy's hand off of her left breast as he tries grope her before finally she grabs his hand and puts it back on her breast and kisses him all during a party as people dance around them. Hi-res DVD capture from Much Ado About Nothing.
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