from The Price of Desire (1997)
The Price of Desire (1997)
Janine Lindemulder
Janine Lindemulder and Stephanie Swift in a lesbian sex scene in a bathroom stall as Kira Reed walks into the room and spies on them through the slightly open stall door. Stephanie is fully nude (and shows breasts and bush at the end) as she grinds against Janine, who is bottomless. Janine then stands up and Stephanie goes down on her. Hi-res DVD capture from The Price of Desire.
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The Price of Desire (1997)
Kira Reed
Kira Reed moving back and forth between two guys, one who is sitting on a couch, and the other on the edge of a pool table, as they undress her and she makes out with the guy on the couch. We see plenty of her breasts and her ass when the guy pulls aside her thong. Hi-res DVD capture from The Price of Desire.
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The Price of Desire (1997)
Kira Reed
Kira Reed fully nude as she leans over a guy who is lying on a pool table, going down on him. She then shows breasts and bush while leaning over the table herself while the guy has sex with her from behind. They then turn around to face away from the table as they continue to have sex standing up. Part 2 of 2 of a long scene. Hi-res DVD capture from The Price of Desire.
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The Price of Desire (1997)
Kim Yates
Kim Yates sitting on the floor of a dressing room in only a thong, showing her breasts as Kira Reed walks in and breaks Kim from her meditation. Kim then stands up and gives us a clearer topless view. Hi-res DVD capture from The Price of Desire.
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from Wide Sargasso Sea (2006)
Wide Sargasso Sea (2006)
Rebecca Hall
Rebecca Hall showing her left breast as she goes nude during a sex scene with a guy in bed, lying underneath the guy. Hi-res DVD capture from Wide Sargasso Sea.
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Wide Sargasso Sea (2006)
Rebecca Hall
Rebecca Hall lying naked on her stomach in bed with her bare butt in view as a guy wakes up next to her. We then see the guy flash back a number of times to having sex with Rebecca, showing her breasts in the flashbacks. Hi-res DVD capture from Wide Sargasso Sea.
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from Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay (2008)
Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay (2008)
Ava Santana
Ava Santana and a blonde girl sitting topless in bed on either side of a guy, comforting him as he cries. Hi-res DVD capture from Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay.
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Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay (2008)
Echo Valley
Echo Valley showing her bountiful cleavage as she wears a red sequined bra and a thong, lifting her huge breasts as she chats with a guy at a brothel. We then see her run down a hallway afterward and show her butt in the thong after the guy has branded her. Hi-res DVD capture from Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay.
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Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay (2008)
More footage of a bottomless party in which we see many girls walking around a swimming pool at a house while showing bare buns and bush. One girl emerges from the hot tub and removes her top to expose her breasts briefly before putting the top back on. Hi-res DVD capture from Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay.
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