from Love Circles Around the World (1985)
Love Circles Around the World (1985)
Sophie Berger
Sophie Berger in a public restroom as a guy grabs her ass and pulls her dress down and sucks on her nipples and plays with her breasts before standing behind her and rubbing her in between her legs and then having sex up against the wall of the bathroom until finally he has sex with her in the air as she holds herself up on the toilet all while a woman listens outside. Hi-res DVD capture from Love Circles Around the World (AKA La ronde de l'amour).
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Love Circles Around the World (1985)
Michelle Siu
Michelle Siu removing her robe to reveal her nude body and a butterfly tattoo on her ass as she gets undressed and then kisses a guy's body before leaving the room and switching places with a girl who is playing her twin sister but is still played by Michelle all while they take turns with the guy giving us various looks at their bodies. Hi-res DVD capture from Love Circles Around the World (AKA La ronde de l'amour).
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from Rod Steele 0014: You Only Live Until You Die (1997)
Rod Steele 0014: You Only Live Until You Die (1997)
Delphine Pacific
Delphine Pacific showing off her large breasts while standing topless and in white thong panties and high heels as a girl instructs her to turn to different sides while videotaping her all during a body check performed during casting. Hi-res DVD capture of the special features from Rod Steele 0014: You Only Live Until You Die.
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Rod Steele 0014: You Only Live Until You Die (1997)
Tammi Ann
Tammi Ann giving us a look at her small breasts and hard nipples while standing topless in an office and turning around and posing while being videotaped all during a body check performed during casting. Hi-res DVD capture of the special features from Rod Steele 0014: You Only Live Until You Die.
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Rod Steele 0014: You Only Live Until You Die (1997)
DeAnn Power
DeAnn Power (credited as De'Ann Power) giving us some close-up looks at the body paint covering her breasts, nipples and body all during some behind the scenes footage. Hi-res DVD capture of the special features from Rod Steele 0014: You Only Live Until You Die.
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Rod Steele 0014: You Only Live Until You Die (1997)
Sita Renne Thompson
Sita Renne Thompson jumping into a handstand up against a wall and having her red skirt fall down to reveal white panties and then striking different poses with her legs until she accidentally flips the light switch all the wall all as they film her during rehearsals. Hi-res DVD capture of the special features from Rod Steele 0014: You Only Live Until You Die.
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from El lado oscuro del corazón (1992)
El lado oscuro del corazón (1992)
Delfina Grau
Delfina Grau lying on her side topless and in black panties while sleeping as a guy walks into the room and then another guy grabs a blanket and covers her up. Hi-res DVD capture from El lado oscuro del corazón (AKA The Dark Side of the Heart).
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El lado oscuro del corazón (1992)
Inés Vernengo
Inés Vernengo lying in a bed topless with a sheet around her waist giving us a distant view of her breasts as a guy sits up next to her and smokes. Hi-res DVD capture from El lado oscuro del corazón (AKA The Dark Side of the Heart).
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El lado oscuro del corazón (1992)
Sandra Ballesteros
Sandra Ballesteros walking into a room in a white bra and white panties as she talks with a guy and then sitting down in a chair and putting on a black garter and stockings and then standing up and talking with him some more. Hi-res DVD capture from El lado oscuro del corazón (AKA The Dark Side of the Heart).
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