from The Guitar (2008)
The Guitar (2008)
Paz de la Huerta
Paz de la Huerta and Saffron Burrows involved in a threesome with a guy, Paz first kissing Saffron's thigh as Saffron leans back and kisses the guy while he lowers her dress off her shoulder. We then see all three lying next to each other in bed, Paz topless while Saffron remains covered under the sheets. Hi-res DVD capture from The Guitar.
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The Guitar (2008)
Saffron Burrows
Saffron Burrows first seen naked in a window as she stares out with a thin curtain in front of her. We then see her naked again as she talks on the phone while leaning over a countertop. A delivery man then knocks on the door of her apartment, and Saffron shows her bare butt before wrapping up in the thin curtain and answers the door for the guy. Hi-res DVD capture from The Guitar.
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The Guitar (2008)
Saffron Burrows
Saffron Burrows riding a guy on the floor of an apartment, seen naked from behind as she has sex with him. We then see Saffron lying on her side in the guy's arms, the sheets pulled up to her chest. Hi-res DVD capture from The Guitar.
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from Night Train (2009)
Night Train (2009)
Leelee Sobieski
Leelee Sobieski undressing in a train car cabin, stripping down to her bra and showing some cleavage as she talks to a guy and then kisses him. We then see Leelee lying on the bed, barely covered by some sheets as a couple other guys open her cabin door and wake her up. Hi-res DVD capture from Night Train.
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from Missing (1982)
Missing (1982)
Sissy Spacek
Sissy Spacek reclining in a bath tub, showing her right breast as she reaches up to fetch a towel when a guy walks into the bathroom. Hi-res DVD capture from Missing.
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from Sharpe's Peril (2008)
Sharpe's Peril (2008)
Beatrice Rosen
Beatrice Rosen first wading topless in some water, water covering her breasts. We then see a bit of her left breast from behind as she puts on a dress. We then see her wearing the dress, which is wet and clinging to her breasts to show her nipples. Hi-res DVD capture from Sharpe's Peril.