from Extreme Movie (2008)
Extreme Movie (2008)
Beverley Mitchell
Beverley Mitchell of 7th Heaven fame removing her pink dress to reveal some impressive cleavage in a blue bra and then making out with a guy for a bit before he gets her to put on a fake mole and a hat and then getting on top of him and grinding on him until he takes a fake beard and puts it on her causing her to stop and talk to him. Hi-res DVD capture from Extreme Movie.
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Extreme Movie (2008)
Christina DeRosa
Christina DeRosa (brunette) topless and Cristin Michele (blonde) in a bra as they make out while lesbian kissing each other on the hood of a car and then Christina removing Cristin's bra to reveal her breasts as well and sucking on Cristin's finger before pressing their breasts together and lesbian kissing some more all while a guy calls out directions and some other guys watch. Hi-res DVD capture from Extreme Movie.
0:30 - 7.16 MB - 720x400 px March 15th, 2009 @ 7:20 pm ChristinaDeRosa&CristinMichele@ExtremeMovie-1-CMA.mpg
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Extreme Movie (2008)
Cristin Michele
Cristin Michele seen in some behind the scenes footage jumping onto the hood of a car and opening her legs spread eagle while wearing blue panties and a blue bra. Hi-res DVD capture of the special features from Extreme Movie.
Sexy 0:04 - 0.99 MB - 720x400 px March 15th, 2009 @ 7:18 pm CristinMichele@ExtremeMovie-SpecialFeatures-CMA.mpgMore [+]
Extreme Movie (2008)
Bobbi Sue Luther
Bobbi Sue Luther seen in a very quick clip unzipping her sweater to flash us her large breasts in a pink bra all during a behind the scenes interview. Hi-res DVD capture of the special features from Extreme Movie.
Sexy 0:02 - 0.45 MB - 720x400 px March 15th, 2009 @ 7:15 pm BobbiSueLuther@ExtremeMovie-SpecialFeatures-CMA.mpgMore [+]

from Ironman Magazine's Sexy Swimsuit Spectacular #5 (2000)
Ironman Magazine's Sexy Swimsuit Spectacular #5 (2000)
Tylene Buck
Tylene Buck sitting topless on the ground and in black thong panties talking to the camera as she gets her makeup done and then picks out a bikini to wear. Hi-res DVD capture from the closing credits of Ironman Magazine's Sexy Swimsuit Spectacular #5.
0:18 - 4.90 MB - 624x480 px March 15th, 2009 @ 7:12 pm TyleneBuck@IronmanMagazinesSexySwimsuitSpectacular5-4-CMA.mpg
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Ironman Magazine's Sexy Swimsuit Spectacular #5 (2000)
April Hunter
April Hunter opening her white robe in slow motion and flashing us her large breasts before closing her robe again. Hi-res DVD capture from the closing credits of Ironman Magazine's Sexy Swimsuit Spectacular #5.
0:05 - 1.24 MB - 624x480 px March 15th, 2009 @ 7:10 pm AprilHunter@IronmanMagazinesSexySwimsuitSpectacular5-4-CMA.mpg
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Ironman Magazine's Sexy Swimsuit Spectacular #5 (2000)
Leanna Scott
Leanna Scott topless and in pink thong bikini bottoms as a guy tries to pull her out of a pool only to fall in the water himself. Hi-res DVD capture from the closing credits of Ironman Magazine's Sexy Swimsuit Spectacular #5.
0:04 - 1.36 MB - 624x480 px March 15th, 2009 @ 7:07 pm LeannaScott@IronmanMagazinesSexySwimsuitSpectacular5-4-CMA.mpg
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from Sex, Politics & Cocktails (2002)
Sex, Politics & Cocktails (2002)
Marisa Petroro
Marisa Petroro sitting up in slow motion while on top of a guy and holding onto a strap-on giving us a brief hint of what may be bush. Hi-res DVD capture from Sex, Politics & Cocktails.
0:07 - 1.49 MB - 720x400 px March 15th, 2009 @ 7:05 pm MarisaPetroro@SexPolitics&Cocktails-3-CMA.mpg
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from Sex Drive (2008)
Sex Drive (2008)
Two unknown Amish women sitting on some guys' shoulders as they rip open their dresses and flash their breasts repeatedly during a concert all as Amanda Crew and some others cheer and dance. Hi-res DVD capture from the unrated version of Sex Drive.
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