from The Ballad of Cable Hogue (1970)
The Ballad of Cable Hogue (1970)
Stella Stevens
Stella Stevens sitting in a barrel full of water outside as a guy washes her and sings with her before kissing her giving us some glimpses of her nipples until they spot a stagecoach coming and they scramble around trying to find some way to cover up her nude body. Hi-res DVD capture from The Ballad of Cable Hogue.
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from Eight Miles High! (2007)
Eight Miles High! (2007)
Natalia Avelon
Natalia Avelon rolling over topless on a bed and giving us a great look at her breasts as she stretches in the morning. Hi-res DVD capture from Eight Miles High! (AKA Das wilde Leben).
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Eight Miles High! (2007)
Natalia Avelon
Natalia Avelon turning on a light and getting a drink while standing fully nude before realizing there's something on her leg and starting to panic all during a brightened version of a very dark scene. Hi-res DVD capture from Eight Miles High!.
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Eight Miles High! (2007)
Natalia Avelon
Natalia Avelon walking through some rooms and pulling off her red shirt to reveal her breasts and then looking around for another shirt to put on all as Friederike Kempter follows her around and tries to help. Hi-res DVD capture from Eight Miles High! (AKA Das wilde Leben).
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Eight Miles High! (2007)
Natalia Avelon
Natalia Avelon standing topless and in orange panties looking out of a motor home window before grabbing a pink dress to try and cover herself and closing the blinds as some people bang on the window. Hi-res DVD capture from Eight Miles High!.
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Eight Miles High! (2007)
Heike Warmuth
Heike Warmuth walking into a bathroom in a blue tanktop and orange and white striped panties and then pulling her panties down and urinating on the toilet as she talks with Natalia Avelon before getting up and pulling her panties up giving us a slight glimpse of her bush. Hi-res DVD capture from Eight Miles High! (AKA Das wilde Leben).
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from Getting Lucky (1990)
Getting Lucky (1990)
Lezlie Z. McCraw
Lezlie Z. McCraw lying on the ground outside making out with a guy as he gets a condom out before he pulls down her panties revealing body-double Lucy Peusset's ass and a hint of her bush. Hi-res DVD capture from Getting Lucky.
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Getting Lucky (1990)
Lezlie Z. McCraw
Lezlie Z. McCraw standing in a locker room in a white bra and white panties as she looks at her cheerleader skirt before some glasses and a wrench magically appear inside of her panties and she pulls them out. Hi-res DVD capture from Getting Lucky.
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from Against All Odds (1984)
Against All Odds (1984)
Rachel Ward
Rachel Ward kissing a guy and licking his lips and kissing his tongue before the camera pans down her body and shows her ass a bit. Hi-res DVD capture from Against All Odds.
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