from Getting Lucky (1990)
Getting Lucky (1990)
Lezlie Z. McCraw
Lezlie Z. McCraw (back left corner), Jean Stewart (front left), Julie Dole and Bronwyn St. John all nude in a locker room shower as they wash their bodies before Lezlie turns and walks past Jean to leave all as a miniaturized guy climbs around in some pubic hair and gets sloshed around in the water. Hi-res DVD capture from Getting Lucky.
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Getting Lucky (1990)
Lezlie Z. McCraw
Lezlie Z. McCraw (third from left to right), Jean Stewart (second), Julie Dole and Bronwyn St. John all in a locker room removing their cheerleader outfits to reveal their bras and panties and then removing those as well giving us some glimpses of their nude bodies before they wrap towels around themselves. Hi-res DVD capture from Getting Lucky.
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from Eight Miles High! (2007)
Eight Miles High! (2007)
Julia Valet
Julia Valet wearing a white dress as she has sex with a guy while riding him on a bed and grinding her hips into him as some people watch until Natalia Avelon gets mad and throws a book at them causing them to pause for a bit before going back to having sex again. Hi-res DVD capture from Eight Miles High! (AKA Das wilde Leben).
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Eight Miles High! (2007)
Natalia Avelon
Natalia Avelon sitting on the ground topless as she ties a lock of a guy's hair to her necklace and then standing up fully nude and wrapping a sheet around her waist before walking out of the tent still topless. Hi-res DVD capture from Eight Miles High! (AKA Das wilde Leben).
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Eight Miles High! (2007)
Natalia Avelon
Natalia Avelon leaning against the doorjamb in a doorway while fully nude giving us a very clear look at her body as a guy talks to her. Hi-res DVD capture from Eight Miles High!.
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Eight Miles High! (2007)
Natalia Avelon
Natalia Avelon giving us a great look at her breasts while posing topless and in blue jeans for a photographer during a photoshoot and then walking over to Friederike Kempter and flipping through some pictures all while still topless. Hi-res DVD capture from Eight Miles High! (AKA Das wilde Leben).
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Eight Miles High! (2007)
Natalia Avelon
Natalia Avelon being woken up by a monkey while trying to sleep as a guy pulls the blanket away revealing her breasts and black panties and then trying to cover up again before giving up and sitting on the edge of the bed and then finally standing up and putting on a dress. Hi-res DVD capture from Eight Miles High!.
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from Laid to Rest (2009)
Laid to Rest (2009)
Seri DeYoung
Seri DeYoung tied with rope onto a coffin and on top of a body while topless and in white panties as she struggles giving us looks at her breasts all while Bobbi Sue Luther tries to free her before a guy finds them. Hi-res DVD capture from Laid to Rest.
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Laid to Rest (2009)
Bobbi Sue Luther
Bobbi Sue Luther sitting on the ground nude and crying while trying to cover her body giving us a slight look at her left breast and nipple as Lena Headey walks into the bathroom and puts a towel over her. Hi-res DVD capture from Laid to Rest.
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from The Blood Stained Shadow (1978)
The Blood Stained Shadow (1978)
Stefania Casini
Stefania Casini wearing an over-sized shirt as she approaches a guy and kisses him while he slides the shirt off. We see her breasts and a bit of bush as the couple then lie on the floor in front of a fireplace and the guy runs his hands over Stefania's nude body, turning her to also shower her bare butt. Hi-res DVD capture from The Blood Stained Shadow (AKA Solamente nero).
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