from Top Girl (1997)
Top Girl (1997)
Carla Solaro
Carla Solaro showing her bare buns and breasts during a sex scene with a guy in bed, riding him and then ending up on her back. This scene is similar to one that appears later in the film, but it is different footage. Hi-res DVD capture from Top Girl.
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Top Girl (1997)
Carla Solaro
Carla Solaro in front of the camera as a guy films her undressing, sliding her panties off from underneath a black dress, then slipping the dress off to expose her bare butt. She then turns around, showing her bush and breasts as she sits down on a chair and a guy walks from behind the camera and makes out with her. Hi-res DVD capture from Top Girl.
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Top Girl (1997)
Sonia Topazio
Sonia Topazio topless as she gets into bed with a guy and hands him a drink, showing her bare breasts as she sits beside him and talks with him while he watches TV. Hi-res DVD capture from Top Girl.
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from Revenge of the Boarding School Dropouts (2009)
Revenge of the Boarding School Dropouts (2009)
Lindsay Maxwell
Lindsay Maxwell answering a hotel room door wearing just a pair of black thong panties, covering her breasts with her hands. The guy at the door then has Lindsay give her a high five, causing her to expose her right breast. She then turns to close the door with her foot, showing her butt in the thong. Hi-res DVD capture from Revenge of the Boarding School Dropouts.
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Revenge of the Boarding School Dropouts (2009)
An unknown girl whipping her top up to flash her breasts as a guy opens a door and then closes it shortly thereafter. Hi-res DVD capture from Revenge of the Boarding School Dropouts.
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from Winter of Frozen Dreams (2009)
Winter of Frozen Dreams (2009)
Thora Birch
American Beauty star Thora Birch wearing a bra and panties underneath an open robe, walking into a hallway where she encounters a guy threatening another girl, and then entering a room where a guy is sitting on a bed, waiting for her. Hi-res DVD capture from Winter of Frozen Dreams.
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Winter of Frozen Dreams (2009)
Thora Birch
Thora Birch showing some nice cleavage in a blue bra as she reclines on her side and a guy helps her paint her fingernails while chatting with her. Hi-res DVD capture from Winter of Frozen Dreams.
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from The Man with the Golden Gun (1974)
The Man with the Golden Gun (1974)
Maud Adams
Maud Adams naked in a shower, her butt and breasts visible through the wavy glass. A guy then enters the bathroom and she has him hand her a towel, her left breast just sneaking into view as she reaches her arm out. Hi-res DVD capture from The Man with the Golden Gun.
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