from Closer (2004)
Closer (2004)
Natalie Portman
Natalie Portman wearing a purple thong and bra, along with a pink wig as she plays a stripper and entertains a guy in a private room. At one point, she spreads her legs and pulls aside her panties to give the guy a look between her legs (the view is blocked by his head). Part 1 of 3 of the full strip club scene. From Closer.
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Closer (2004)
Natalie Portman
Natalie Portman sitting on the back of a circular couch with her legs spread and her panties pulled aside with her hand as a guy gets a good look. Natalie then slips her right nipple as she swings her legs back over the couch, her right breast popping out of her bra. She then moves to the other side of the room, laying down on the back of the couch. Part 2 of 3 of the full strip club scene. From Closer.
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Closer (2004)
Natalie Portman
Natalie Portman wearing a thong and a bra as she talks to a guy and then kneels on a table with one bra strap off, giving us a nice look at her ass as she bends over. Part 3 of 3 of the full strip club scene. From Closer.
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from Book of Blood (2009)
Book of Blood (2009)
Sophie Ward
Heartbeat star Sophie Ward sitting in a guy's lap in bed as he lifts off her nightie, exposing her bare breasts and hard, long nipples. After touching her breasts, he lays Sophie down on her back and then goes down on her. From Book of Blood (AKA Clive Barker's Book of Blood).
Book of Blood (2009)
Sophie Ward
Sophie Ward naked atop a guy as they have sex, first showing her bare back as she rides him and then showing her breasts, too, as we get a view from the side. From Book of Blood.
Book of Blood (2009)
Sophie Ward
Sophie Ward naked in the shower, her bare buns and right breast visible through the glass of the stall. From Book of Blood.

from Antichrist (2009)
Antichrist (2009)
Charlotte Gainsbourg
Charlotte Gainsbourg reaching into a guy's pants and pulling out his penis, climbing on top of him and riding him for a bit with her bare butt in view. After sex, Charlotte then walks into another room, wearing just a shirt with her bush in view as she disassembles a drill. We then get one more bottomless look as she walks outside the cabin. Hi-res DVD capture from Antichrist.
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Antichrist (2009)
Charlotte Gainsbourg
Charlotte Gainsbourg lying on her back beside a guy on a wood floor, reaching the guy's hand down between her legs and masturbating with it. We then see more of her bush as she moves his hand aside. Lastly, we see Charlotte's bare butt as she sits up and then walks outside. Hi-res DVD capture from Antichrist. We have edited out the gory scene involving a pair of scissors.
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Antichrist (2009)
Charlotte Gainsbourg
Charlotte Gainsbourg lying bottomless on her side, her bare butt in view on the floor of a cabin. We then get a brief flash of her bush as she slides across the floor. Hi-res DVD capture from Antichrist.
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