from The Voyeur (2000)
The Voyeur (2000)
Chelsea Blue
Chelsea Blue (credited as Amber Karney) bottomless as a guy removes her top to reveal her breasts and then has her get on her knees and go down on him before she rides him in reverse fully nude while sitting on his lap as he grabs her breasts and then rides him on top of the bed until finally she has sex with him from behind on her knees. Hi-res DVD capture from The Voyeur.
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The Voyeur (2000)
Monica Mayhem
Monica Mayhem removing her animal print robe to reveal her fully nude body and then climbing into a bathtub and running her hands over her body and masturbating while grabbing her breasts. Hi-res DVD capture from The Voyeur.
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from Bleed (2002)
Bleed (2002)
Debbie Rochon
Debbie Rochon having a guy remove her top to reveal her breasts and then kissing them and lying on his back as she pulls his jeans off before he grabs a condom and stands back up and they start kissing again. Hi-res DVD capture from Bleed.
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from Fugitive Girls (1974)
Fugitive Girls (1974)
Nicolle Riddell
Nicolle Riddell being held by Donna Young and Jabie Abercrombe as Rene Bond rips open her top to reveal her breasts and then kisses her breasts and nipple before they lay her on the ground and kiss her and grab her all as Margie Lanier and Tallie Cochran watch with a guy in a wheelchair. Hi-res DVD capture from Fugitive Girls (AKA Five Loose Women).
1:17 - 20.84 MB - 624x480 px February 11th, 2010 @ 11:04 pm NicolleRiddell,ReneBond,DonnaYoung,JabieAbercrombe,[email protected]
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Fugitive Girls (1974)
Rene Bond
Rene Bond (credited as Renee Bond) removing her tanktop to reveal her breasts as she sits outside with some women and then sitting topless for a bit before putting putting her shirt back on. Hi-res DVD capture from Fugitive Girls (AKA Five Loose Women).
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Fugitive Girls (1974)
Margie Lanier
Several women changing their clothes outside and revealing their breasts as Janet Newell walks over to them topless. The women are from right to left: Tallie Cochran, Margie Lanier, Rene Bond, Jabie Abercrombe and Donna Young. Hi-res DVD capture from Fugitive Girls (AKA Five Loose Women).
0:18 - 4.52 MB - 624x480 px February 11th, 2010 @ 11:02 pm TallieCochran,MargieLanier,ReneBond,JabieAbercrombe,[email protected]
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from Love, Sex and Eating the Bones (2003)
Love, Sex and Eating the Bones (2003)
Marieka Weathered
Marieka Weathered getting up off of a couch in a low cut orange top and thong panties and walking over towards a door before being seen sleeping on the couch with a guy showing a lot of cleavage. Hi-res DVD capture from Love, Sex and Eating the Bones.
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Love, Sex and Eating the Bones (2003)
Marieka Weathered
Marieka Weathered removing her coat to reveal a low cut orange top that shows a lot of cleavage and then walking over to a guy and kissing him and then getting ready to go down on him before she stops and gets irritated all as they film a porn scene on a set. Hi-res DVD capture from Love, Sex and Eating the Bones.
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Love, Sex and Eating the Bones (2003)
Marlyne Afflack
Marlyne Afflack (credited as Marlyne N. Afflack) walking towards a guy outside an opening her white robe to reveal some lingerie in a red bustier and red panties with a garter and stockings. Hi-res DVD capture from Love, Sex and Eating the Bones.
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