from Treasure (1997)
Treasure (1997)
Jennifer Ludlow
Jennifer Ludlow fully nude outside by a pool as she has sex with a guy on a lounge chair while riding him, then sitting in his lap before finally standing up from behind all as two topless women fan them with palm leaves during a dream sequence. Hi-res DVD capture from the opening credits of Treasure.
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Treasure (1997)
Carla Holmes
Carla Holmes lying in a guy's arms in bed talking with him with her large left breast and nipple exposed all as seen from above. Hi-res DVD capture from the opening credits of Treasure.
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Treasure (1997)
Christine Lydon
Christine Lydon backing out of a room in black thong panties and a black bra with a shirt held over her breasts as she talks with somebody and then leaves during a very dark scene on a boat. Hi-res DVD capture from Treasure.
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from ROT: Reunion of Terror (2008)
ROT: Reunion of Terror (2008)
Nikie Zambo
Nikie Zambo lying on her back with her left nipple exposed a bit as she passionately lesbian kisses Jessie Hail and then talks with her for a bit. Hi-res DVD capture of the special features from ROT: Reunion of Terror.
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ROT: Reunion of Terror (2008)
Nikie Zambo
Nikie Zambo in a white top with no bra and hard nipples and panties and Jessie Hail in panties and a blue top with no bra and hard nipples walking through a forest at night and then having trouble with their flashlight as they stop and talk with the film crew all during some outtakes. Hi-res DVD capture of the special features from ROT: Reunion of Terror.
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from Crazy Girls Undercover (2008)
Crazy Girls Undercover (2008)
Rayma Alfred
Rayma Alfred and several other women standing on a stage as they squat down and remove their dresses before posing topless and in thong panties as the curtains close and then Simona Fusco walking past a guy while covering her breasts. Hi-res DVD capture from Crazy Girls Undercover.
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Crazy Girls Undercover (2008)
Eliset Lobato
Eliset Lobato wrestling with a guy in a pool while wearing a black bra and black thong panties. Hi-res DVD capture from Crazy Girls Undercover.
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Crazy Girls Undercover (2008)
Several unknown women topless and in thong panties while trying on various different outfits in a dressing room. Hi-res DVD capture from Crazy Girls Undercover.
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