from The Killer Inside Me (2010)
The Killer Inside Me (2010)
Jessica Alba
Jessica Alba lying on her stomach on a bed with her pants pulled down to expose her bare butt as a guy kneels behind her and smacks her ass with a belt. She then turns around and makes out with the guy, laying back on the bed as they have sex. While it's possible a body double was used, we can see what appears to be Jessica's face from the side in the same shot as her bare butt. From The Killer Inside Me.
0:45 - 15.63 MB - 1280x544 px August 26th, 2010 @ 12:34 pm Jessica Alba - The Killer Inside Me - 1.mp4
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The Killer Inside Me (2010)
Caitlin Turner
Caitlin Turner first lying on her stomach on a bed in a pair of panties that's pulled up to reveal most of her butt. We then see her bare butt clearly as she kneels on the bed and smacks it with her left hand. Lastly, she is seen lying on the bed again wearing just a bra as she reaches back with her left hand again to spank herself. From The Killer Inside Me.
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from $5 a Day (2008)
$5 a Day (2008)
Sharon Stone
Sharon Stone rushing out of a house to greet a couple guys while wearing a skimpy tiger-print bikini and an open robe. She then walks the guys inside the house and heads to the kitchen while talking to them. From $5 a Day.
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$5 a Day (2008)
Sharon Stone
Sharon Stone showing major cleavage in a skimpy black and gold dress as she stands in a doorway and then goes out to dinner with a guy. We then see the couple returning home, where we see more cleavage from Sharon in the dress as she walks into the back yard. From $5 a Day.
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$5 a Day (2008)
Sharon Stone
Sharon Stone wearing a blue bra and panties underneath a see-through black teddy as she first visits with a guy on a couch and then walks into a bedroom, where she climbs into bed with another guy and straddles him. From $5 a Day.
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from Busty Cops: Protect and Serve! (2009)
Busty Cops: Protect and Serve! (2009)
Lexi Marie
Lexi Marie naked in a room with two guys seated on either side of a stripper's pole. Lexi climbs into the lap of each guy in turn, letting them suck on her breasts and having sex with them as she rides both of them. She then stands up and reaches a hand between her legs to play with herself, and then using her cop's nightstick to continue to masturbate. From Busty Cops: Protect and Serve!.
2:36 - 54.07 MB - 1280x720 px August 26th, 2010 @ 12:24 pm Lexi Marie - Busty Cops Protect and Serve - 2.mp4
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Busty Cops: Protect and Serve! (2009)
Nikki Nova
Nikki Nova, Hannah Harper, and Lexi Marie flashing their breasts in a bar as they stand beside each other. From Busty Cops: Protect and Serve!.
0:03 - 1.05 MB - 1280x720 px August 26th, 2010 @ 12:23 pm Nikki Nova & Hannah Harper & Lexi Marie - Busty Cops Protect and Serve - 3.mp4
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from The Pillars of the Earth (2010)
The Pillars of the Earth (2010)
Natalia Wörner
Natalia Wörner laying back on a pile of straw as she and a guy undress, giving us a look at her left breast as the guy grabs it and makes out with her. They then have sex, Natalia underneath the guy and her left breast coming into view again. From The Pillars of the Earth.
0:38 - 13.15 MB - 1280x720 px August 26th, 2010 @ 12:15 pm Natalia Worner - The Pillars of the Earth - S01E02.mp4
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