from The Exotic House of Wax (1997)
The Exotic House of Wax (1997)
Blake Pickett
Blake Pickett getting into a shower fully nude behind a clear plastic shower curtain and then washing herself for a while until the lights go off and she climbs back out of the shower. Hi-res DVD capture from The Exotic House of Wax.
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The Exotic House of Wax (1997)
Yvette Lera
Yvette Lera lying back in a gold dress with her right breast exposed as Jacqueline Lovell (AKA Sara St. James) walks up to her and puts a necklace around her neck before walking off. Hi-res DVD capture from The Exotic House of Wax.
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The Exotic House of Wax (1997)
Yvette Lera
Yvette Lera wearing an opened blue dress that shows her breasts as she leans against a guy next to Bobbie Marie all as the camera zooms in on them. Hi-res DVD capture from The Exotic House of Wax.
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from Stay Hungry (1976)
Stay Hungry (1976)
Laura Hippe
Laura Hippe hanging naked upside down bound by her ankles as a guy uses a pole to push her in the ass causing her to rock back and forth. Hi-res DVD capture from Stay Hungry.
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from Stargate Universe (2009)
Stargate Universe (2009)
Jennifer Spence
Jennifer Spence of The 4400 fame straddling a guy while in a bra as she kisses him before sitting up and flipping back her hair. Hi-res DVD capture from Stargate Universe.
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Stargate Universe (2009)
Julia Benson
Julia Anderson (credited as Julia Benson) standing next to Elyse Levesque while wearing a beige army outfit with tight t-shirt that shows off her large breasts and hard nipples all while she talks with a guy. Hi-res DVD capture from Stargate Universe.
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Stargate Universe (2009)
Julia Benson
Julia Anderson wearing a t-shirt with hard nipples as she and Elyse Levesque do shots at a bar. Hi-res DVD capture from Stargate Universe.
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